Issue - meetings

Policy and Performance Board Work Programme 2016/17

Meeting: 29/06/2016 - Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (Item 6)

6 Policy and Performance Board Work Programme 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 330 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, which sought to develop a Work Programme of topics for the Board to scrutinise for 2016/17.


          In discussions, Members requested information on the following matters:-


·       Councillor Sinnott requested information on the extent and cost of fly-tipping in the Borough and what action the authority can take to reduce its occurrence;

·       Councillor Howard asked about arrangements for a meeting with the Housing Associations, specifically in Halton Castle Ward, related to problems with fly-tipping;

·       Councillor Nolan asked for information as to whether any profit from the green waste collection could be used to tackle the issue of fly-tipping.


Members were advised that individual responses would be provided direct for these queries. However, the Chair also requested that Jimmy Unsworth, Divisional Manager, Waste and Environmental Improvement, be invited to the next meeting of the Board to report and answer questions on Green Waste collections, Fly-tipping in the Borough and the introduction of the Food Waste collection service.


          It was reported that the Tree Working Group set up in 2015, had considered those recommendations from the previous Working Group that had not been implemented; these were set out in the report at paragraph 3.23 for reference.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    Details of topic briefs be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board, in conjunction with the Lead Officer;


2)    Members confirm their support for the continuation of the Waste Management Working Group with membership as follows:- Councillor Sinnott (Chair) and Councillors Nolan, Joe Roberts and Zygadllo as Members; and


3)    Members confirm that there is no longer a need for the Tree Working Group to meet, but that a report should be brought to the September meeting of this Board, to progress with implementing recommendations a, b and d of the Tree Working Group, as outlined in paragraph 3.4 of the report.