Issue - meetings

Local Area Forums - 2015/16 Annual Report

Meeting: 06/09/2016 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 13)

13 Local Area Forums - 2015/16 Annual Report pdf icon PDF 630 KB


A report was presented to the Board by the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which informed members of the project delivery of the Local Area Forums for the financial period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016.


            Members were advised that Local Area Forums (LAF) were set up in 2001 to take policy development to communities, bridging the gap between key agencies working within the Borough. Each LAF was led by the respective local Councillors and supported by a Senior Officer from the Council. Other partner organisations such as the Police, Fire Service, Housing Associations, Youth and Voluntary sector bodies also attended LAF’s to keep the community informed of local developments and to respond to local concerns.


            It was reported that in 2015/16, £550,000 was allocated to the Area Forums which was allocated on a per capita basis across the seven LAF’s that covered the Borough; details of each area’s funding was provided in the report. Projects funded through the LAF’s were categorised into the following key areas:-


·         Landscapes;

·         Improved Parks;

·         Pedestrian and Highway Improvements;

·         Security;

·         Children and Youth Facilities;

·         Community Events;

·         Community Initiatives; and

·         Community Resources and Equipment.

            It was highlighted that the Area Forum budget had enabled the leverage of other grants, and through joint working, had secured access to funds from other agencies. Overall, an additional amount of £751,149.42 (compared to £316,630 in 2014/15) was levered in to support area forum projects providing a total budget of £1,234,071.74 (compared to £833,440 in 2014/15).  It was noted this significant increase was due to large grants for two projects being successful in this period.


Finally, the report provided Members with examples of case studies which demonstrated the positive impacts that Area Forum projects had in Halton’s communities.


Members requested a further report on the impact of the recent Internal Audit recommendations with regard to LAF’s.




1.    the report be received; and


2.    a further report be brought to a future Board meeting on the impact of the recent Internal Audit recommendations with regard to LAF’s.