Issue - meetings

External Funding Update

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 20)

20 External Funding Update pdf icon PDF 427 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the work of the Regeneration Non Town Centres (RNTC) Team in securing funding resources into Halton. The report highlighted:


·         success rate of applications and reasons for unsuccessful bids;

·         an overview of major funding streams, including an update on the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF);

·         the cost of the team against the level of funding secured;

·         effect on the Council’s core budget, if any, of securing external funding; and

·         a preliminary assessment of the likely implications for the borough of the recent EU referendum decision.


            Arising from the discussion, it was agreed that the following information would be circulated to Members:


·         On page 33, clarification on the criteria for deciding ‘significant company’; and

·         a document on the pressures facing local authorities due to post referendum implications and Government funding reductions.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted and a further update report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.