Issue - meetings

Interim Corporate Accident/Incident Report 1.4.16-1.9.16

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 19)

19 Interim Corporate Accident/Incident Report 1.4.16-1.9.16 pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Additional documents:


            Tony Dean, Principal Health and Safety Advisor, presented the Committee with the Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare Policy and the Corporate Accident/ Incident report from 1 April to 1 September 2016. The interim health and safety report on the performance of health and safety management in relation to Key Performance Indicators for the current financial year was appended.


       The reported highlighted:


1.  national and local health and safety information together with identified trends;

2.  that there had been a year by year decrease in the number of accidents resulting in ‘days lost’, with 10 this year and 13 for the same period last year;

3.  this decrease was primarily due to the reduction in the number of manual handling accidents, in particular involving Social Care staff, and also slips and trips accidents, which took place whilst working outdoors;

4.  there had been a significant decrease in the number of physical violent incidents on both Council and school staff; and 

5.  although there has been a slight decline in the use of the Lone Working Monitoring system; new equipment was now available that was easier to carry and raise an alarm and also, new processes implemented that were intended to expedite registration and training.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.