Issue - meetings

Organised Criminal Gang Board

Meeting: 13/06/2017 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 7)

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            The Board considered a report detailing the Council’s response to Organised Criminal Gangs and in relation to the Government Serious and Organised Crime Strategy. The Serious and Organised Crime Strategy placed significant emphasis on the importance of effective local partnerships.  Strong multi-agency working was seen as key in dealing with such a threat.


              In order to support this approach, a partnership group, chaired by the Council Chief Executive, had been established to tackle organised crime groups in Halton (Operation Portfolio).


            The aim of Operation Portfolio was to deliver an effective partnership response to the threat posed by serious crime and organised crime groups impacting on communities in the Borough. The group had agreed the following key objectives to:


·         Identify and research the threat posed to local communities by serious and organised crime in Halton.


·         Document the threat posed by serious crime, Organised Crime Groups, Urban Street Gangs, cross border criminality and thematic serious crime threats in a format which could be shared. 


·         Single or group ‘Partnership Profiles’ would be the information basis for assessment of specific individuals, Organised Crime Groups, Urban Street Gangs, or locations.


·         Partnership Profiles would be produced by police for each meeting. 


·          Identify and establish a partnership group to use all available civil, criminal and legal powers to implement enforcement, disruption and safeguarding tactics to reduce the threat.


            The group met on a bi monthly basis and a partnership action plan had been agreed. This would be a standing item on the future Safer Halton Partnership agenda.


            Arising from the discussion, it was proposed to invite representatives from the national crime agency to a future Board meeting.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.