Issue - meetings

Starter Homes (SH) and Accelerated Construction (AC) Opportunity

Meeting: 21/09/2017 - Executive Board (Item 47)

Starter Homes and Accelerated Construction Opportunity - KEY DECISION

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, on the development of a detailed project to identify suitable sites for Starter Homes.


          The Board was advised that, as part of the Housing White Paper, the Government was consulting on widening the definition of ‘affordable housing’, to include Starter Homes. In February 2017, the Homes and Communities Agency invited local authorities to submit Expressions of Interest for their Accelerated Construction Programme (AC). It was reported that AC was the Government’s new approach to land disposal which increased overall delivery in the sector, at a faster rate than the housing market.


          Since the publication of the agenda, and following consultation with the respective Ward Councillors, one of the sites had been removed from the list for proposed development. A revised report was circulated. The remaining sites had a strategic fit with the Healthy New Town’s Project, had been identified as suitable for potential development and fitted well within the current HBC development strategy for housing growth, regeneration of brownfield sites and generation of new homes bonus.


Reason(s) For Decision


To accelerate housing development in the Borough and to establish a good working relationship with the Homes and Communities Agency to promote future joint working.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


The other options were:


a)    Do nothing. However, this would not lead to any additional housing units being created.

b)    The Council to invest resources in bringing these sites forward. The Council did not have available resources to invest in this type of activity.

c)     Seek alternative funding sources. There were no other resources available.


Implementation Date


1 October 2017.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the proposal to ascertain the feasibility of developing the proposed sites, as outlined in the report, be supported;


2)    the sites identified at paragraph 4.3 are declared surplus assets;


3)    the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, be authorised to take all appropriate steps to develop these proposals; and


4)    Members agree that a report will be presented to the Executive Board for final decision, once the outcome of the feasibility work and consultation with relevant stakeholders, including further consultation with Ward Councillors, is available.