Issue - meetings

Procurement of Single Homeless Accommodation Services

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Executive Board (Item 33)

33 Procurement of Single Homeless Accommodation Services pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People, on the procurement of single homelessness short term supported accommodation.


            It was reported that there were two single homelessness supported accommodation services in Halton. Creative Support currently provided support at both premises – Brennan Lodge and Halton Lodge – and the current contracts expire at differing times, albeit with options to extend in place. It was noted that there was now an opportunity to align the contracts to include both services, as currently both are managed by one service manager, with staff able to work flexibly across both services to provide consistency and flexibility.


            Permission was sought to commence a tender exercise for a single homelessness short-term accommodation service. Details of the current contract values were set out in the report.


            RESOLVED: That the commencement of a procurement exercise for single homelessness short-term supported accommodation be approved.