Issue - meetings

Problem Pavement Parking

Meeting: 24/02/2021 - Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (Item 24)

24 Problem Pavement Parking pdf icon PDF 103 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the progress of the Working Party (WP), which was established to review the current position and issues associated with pavement parking in Halton. The WP had met virtually on 3rd February and considered legislative framework for parking enforcement and tackling highway obstruction. The WP also debated the merits and likely consequences of the DfT consultation, before moving on to discuss the areas of the Borough where pavement parking problems had been reported.


            It was noted that the WP had considered:


·         parking on grassed verges were properties had driveways. The WP agreed this was an area for scrutiny and had potential for a new policy to prevent parking on verges where damage was occurring;

·         enforcement of parking issues. It was felt that the viability and vitality of town centres continued to be supported through free parking. The strong collaboration with the local Policing teams should be continued and targeted action where parking was considered dangerous or causing an obstruction of the pavement or highway; and

·         Town Planning policies and the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. It was agreed that the Development Control Committee remained the body for assessing the parking requirements for new developments and the impact on the surrounding area.


The WP agreed an action plan to cover the following:


·         recommend the Board endorse a decision not to seek CPE powers at the present time;

·      draft a letter to the Police and Crime Commissioner requesting their continued support in taking targeted enforcement action where pavement parking presents an ongoing problem; and

·      produce a draft policy to tackle parking on the Council’s verges.


          RESOLVED: That the Board notes the update and endorses the recommendations set out in the report.