8 East Runcorn Connectivity Corridor Scheme Developments PDF 119 KB
Board considered a report of the Strategic Director - Enterprise, Community and
Resources, which sought approval to develop a transport scheme for East Runcorn
Connectivity Corridor (ERRC).
was reported that initial pre-development funding was available from the
Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority on a competitive basis to
develop schemes such as the ERRC.
ERCC scheme was highly complex and it was estimated that delivery of all
elements would be over a ten-year period. Therefore, in advance of site
works being procured, a considerable amount of planning and preparation needed
to be undertaken to inform options and investigate construction details.
The purpose of this advanced pre-development work was to create a well designed,
feasible, and cost effective scheme.
were advised that as part of the LCR's Transport Pipeline, the ERCC was an
ambitions scheme that would support the delivery of new homes and employment
opportunities by providing a resilient, sustainable transport corridor within
East Runcorn. The area was home to the Enterprise Zone, business parks
and large housing sites and the scheme would significantly enhance the existing
transport network in the Borough. The proposed ERCC scheme consisted of
four elements, these were outlined in the report, paragraph 3.2.
transport scheme covering the East Runcorn connectivity Corridor be developed
and added to the Council's Capital Programme (paragraphs 3.8 and 5.10);
initial programme (Year 1) covering technical investigations to inform options
appraisal and scheme feasibility be approved (Appendix 1);
MacDonald, an external consultant, be commissioned via Direct Award under the
Warrington Consultation Framework to undertake the Year 1 programme (paragraph
3.10); and
be delegated to the Operational Director - Policy, Planning and Transportation,
in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Environment and Urban Renewal, to
advance the initial programme (Year 1) for the scheme.