Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Thursday, 16th June, 2016 2.00 p.m.

Venue: The Boardroom, Municipal Building

Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 511 8670 or Email: 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2016 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Children Young People and Families Portfolio


Closure of Westfield Primary School Resource Provision Base for Pupils with Hearing Impairment and Specific Learning Difficulties - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 113 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which sought permission to commence consultation on the closure of the Primary Hearing Impaired Resource Provision Base at Westfield Primary School.


The Board was advised that Westfield Primary School had a Resource Provision Base for six pupils with hearing impairment (HI) and specific learning difficulties at Westfield Primary School. It was reported that parents are choosing to educate their children with such difficulties in mainstream provision rather than in specialist HI provision. It was noted that from September 2016, there would be three children accessing provision.


The Board was further advised that in 2015/16, Halton ceased the secondary specialist Resource Provision base at Wade Deacon High School, due to lack of numbers. The funding this released was invested in strengthening and increasing the level of peripatetic specialist teaching and non-teaching support. It was noted that the three pupils at Westfield Primary would remain in the mainstream school and would be allocated additional teaching assistant support and support from the peripatetic specialist team.


The pre-statutory consultation would commence on 22 June 2016 for four weeks, with the outcome reported to Executive Board, with a planned statutory consultation commencing in September 2016, as detailed in the report.


RESOLVED: That the commencement of consultation on the closure of the Hearing Impaired Resource Provision Base at Westfield Primary School be approved.



White Paper “Education, Excellence Everywhere" KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 444 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which provided a summary of the White Paper “Education Excellence Everywhere” and the key elements of the proposed Education Bill.


The Board was advised that on 17 March 2016, the Secretary of State launched the document “Education Excellence Everywhere” and the Department for Education’s five year strategy “World-class Education and Care”. It was reported that these two documents set out the Government’s plans and vision for education over the next five years. The proposed reforms sought to radically reshape education and reduce and redefine the role of the local authorities.


There were seven key areas covered within the White Paper, which were detailed in the report and noted as being:-


·       Great Teachers;

·       Great Leaders;

·       A School-led system with every school and Academy;

·       Preventing under Performance;

·       A World-leading curriculum;

·       Accountability; and

·       The right resources in the right hands.


Under the current arrangements, every time a school converted to Academy status, the local authority’s Education Services Grant (ESG) reduced. It was reported that this funding had previously funded a range of education services including Education Welfare, School Improvement, Asset Management, Premature retirements and a range of statutory services. The School Improvement element of the ESG would be re-routed to teaching schools to support their new role.


Reasons(s) for Decision


To explore the options and opportunities available to the local authority and its maintained schools.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.


Implementation Date


June 2016.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the implications of the White Paper “Education Excellence Everywhere”, and proposed Education Bill be noted; and


2)    the Board approves the development options for the future role of the Council in supporting schools.


Health and Wellbeing Portfolio


Adult Health and Social Care - Accountable Commissioning System pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which set out a draft Project Initiation Document (PID) outlining a proposal for further alignment of systems and services across Health and Social Care Services.


The Board was advised that in May 2013, the Government announced its commitment to making co-ordinated health and care a reality and published a plan ‘Integrated Care and Support: Our Shared Commitment’. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 brought in the most wide-ranging reforms of the NHS since it was founded.


      The report set out the details of joint working and collaboration within the local context in Halton. However, it was reported that this would be an opportune time to review current arrangements in respect of joint working and to align organisational structure, leadership and governance arrangements across Adult Social Care and Health.


      Attached at Appendix 2 to the report, was a detailed PID which outlined the aim of the project, rationale, expected outcomes and processes to be undertaken. It was reported that a Project Board had been established called the Integration – Joint Steering Group, to take the project forward. This Board was chaired by the Director of Adult Social Services for Halton. The aim was to facilitate the further alignment of systems, to support the existing pooled budget and improve the pathways and outcomes for individuals that use the services.




1)    the contents of the report and associated appendices be noted; and


2)    the draft PID attached at Appendix 2, be approved.



Madeline McKenna Residential Home pdf icon PDF 386 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which presented options for the future provision of the Madeline McKenna Court residential home.


            The Board was advised that the Madeline McKenna Court residential home was currently owned by the Your Housing Group (YHG), with the business and building currently up for sale. It was reported that YHG had begun formal consultation with residents and staff and had outlined a number of options, as set out in the report.


            The report set out three possible options for the future of the home, which Members considered.


            RESOLVED: That


1)    the contents of the report be noted; and


2)    the Board agree to the purchase of Madeline McKenna Court and enter into a partnership agreement with Community Integrated Care (CIC) to jointly manage Madeline McKenna Court as a residential home.


Supported Accommodation (Vulnerable Adults) Tender pdf icon PDF 235 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which provided an update on the implementation of Vulnerable Adults Supported Accommodation services. It also sought approval to re-award three contracts.


            The Board was advised that tender process had been progressing since October 2015. The new contracts were agreed, as detailed in the report, under seven geographic zones (lots). However, one company had indicated an increase of 8,22% would be necessary to meet a shortfall in costs. Following legal advice, it was recommended that contracts be awarded in line with the original tender evaluation rankings in Zones 4, 5 and 6.


            RESOLVED: That


1)    the award of a three year plus one year extension to contract to Community Integrated Care for delivery of services in Zone 5 be approved;


2)    the award of a three year plus one year extension contract to Clece Care for delivery of service in Zones 4 and 6 be approved;


3)    subject to Clece Care not being in a  position to accept the offer of a contract to provide the services in resolution 2), approve a contingency arrangement whereby the award of a three year plus one year contract is made to Community Integrated Care for delivery of services in Zone 4 and PossAbilities for delivery of services in Zone 6; and


4)    delegated powers be given to the Strategic Director, People and Economy and/or the Director of Adult Social Services, in conjunction with the Portfolio holders for Health and Wellbeing and for Resources, to manage any detailed negotiations relating to the award of contracts for these services.

Transportation Portfolio


Objection to Proposed 30 mph Speed Limit, Lunts Heath Road, Widnes pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, on an objection to a proposed 30mph speed limit at Lunts Heath Road, Widnes.


The Board was advised that in December 2015, the Council advertised its intention to introduce a 30mph speed limit on a length of Lunts Heath Road in Widnes (as detailed in Appendix B). This followed a number of requests from residents and a Ward Councillor for a reduction in the speed limit from 40mph. Members noted the continued housing development and multiple access points on Lunts Heath Road.


It was reported that during the consultation period, one objection was received from a resident, the details of which were attached at Appendix A for Members’ information. The Board was further advised that this matter had been considered by the Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board at its meeting on 23 March 2016, with a recommendation to support the Traffic Regulation Order, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.




1)    the proposal to make a Traffic Regulation Order to implement a 30mph speed limit on those roads defined in Appendix B, attached to the report be approved; and


2)    the objector be informed of the decision.



NEC Short Form Contract authorisation for Balvac Works pdf icon PDF 214 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, on the NEC Short Form Contract authorisation for Balvac Works.


          It was reported that the Council had an Access Agreement to the SCAPE Framework, which had successfully been utilised for the procurement of Bridge and Structures Maintenance Works.


          Following consultation with the Leader, the Chief Executive authorised the entering into of a contract with Balvac, through the SCAPE Framework for the procurement of the Silver Jubilee Bridge (SJB) Complex Major Maintenance Project, using his emergency powers. The reasons for this action and the timescales involved, were set out in the report for Members’ information.


          RESOLVED: That the Board note that authorisation by the Chief Executive been given for the entering into of a contract with Balvac, through the SCAPE Framework, for the procurement of the SJB Complex Major Maintenance Project.

Resources Portfolio


2015/16 Financial Outturn pdf icon PDF 603 KB


The Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, on the final revenue and capital spending position for 2015/16.


The Board was advised that the final accounts for 2015/16 were near completion; the revenue spending for each Department, which would be subject to external audit, was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


            It was reported that the budget savings for 2016/17 were implemented over three tranches, the first and second of which consisted of savings of £11.4m and approved by Council in October and December 2015. As a result of some of these savings being implemented early, it provided part-year savings in 2015/16.


            The report provided details on the key variances (which were in addition to the overall net underspend) in the following services:


·         Children and Families;

·         Economy, Enterprise and Property;

·         Education, Inclusion and Provision;

·         Community and Environment;

·         Finance;

·         Legal and Democratic Services;

·         Policy, Planning and Transportation; and

·         Corporate and Democracy.

Members were advised that the Council’s Reserves and Balances had been reviewed in accordance with the Reserves and Balances Strategy. The Council’s General Reserve stood at £5.391m. It was noted that the general reserve was now at its lowest level since 2003. Given the financial challenges and spending pressures the Council faced, the balance was considered to be at a reasonable level, but it was not considered prudent to make any further reductions to balance future budgets.


            With regards to Capital Spending, details of spending against the 2015/16 Capital Programme were attached to the report at Appendix 2. It was noted that spending was £2.096m below the revised Capital Programme of £30.639m, which represented 93% delivery of the revised Capital Programme. Members were advised that although there had been slippage on several large projects, spend would be incurred into 2016/17.




1)    the report be noted; and


2)    the information within the report be taken into account when reviewing the medium term forecast and saving proposals for future years.



Treasury Management Quarter 4 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 275 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which updated them on activities undertaken on the money market as required by the Treasury Management Statement.


            The report provided supporting information on the economic outlook, interest rate forecast, short term borrowing rates, long term borrowing rates, borrowing and investments, budget monitoring, new long term borrowing and treasury management indicators. It was noted that no debt rescheduling had been undertaken during the quarter.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Liverpool City Region – 100% Business Rates Retention Pilot Area pdf icon PDF 224 KB


The Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which related to the Liverpool City Region 100% Business Rates Retention Pilot Area.


          The Board was advised that as part of the 2015 Spending Review, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced plans that would involve councils retaining 100% of the business rates they collect. The Government’s stated aims in making this change were set out in the report.


          In March 2016, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) approached the Liverpool City Region councils to act as a pilot area for the development of the new 100% business rates retention system. It was reported that the development of the pilot areas would include discussions regarding which additional service and funding responsibilities the councils might adopt and the timescales for doing so. DCLG would ensure that appropriate measures were developed to mitigate any financial risks and ensure that the new system was sustainable.


          The report also advised that the offer of a four year Grant Settlement option, which had been offered by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in March 2016, provided a commitment to provide “minimum” grant allocations for each year up to 2019/20. The intention was to provide some degree of financial certainty and some assurance that each council’s grant allocations would not fall below a minimum level. Members were advised that, as part of the discussions regarding the LCR rates retention pilot area proposal, DCLG had guaranteed that during the pilot period each of the six councils would be financially no worse off than if they had taken up the four year grant settlement offer. 


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the proposal for the Liverpool City Region to be a pilot area for 100% business rates retention, as presented in the report, be noted; and


2)    the decision taken by the Chief Executive under urgency powers to agree to Halton’s inclusion within the Liverpool City Region pilot arrangement, be noted.



Discretionary Business Rates Relief Request pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, which detailed a request for discretionary business rates relief.


In April 2013, the Government introduced the Business Rates Retention Scheme, whereby the Council retained 49% of the business rates income collected up to a baseline level and also 49% of any growth in business rates income above that baseline. It was noted that the Scheme offered Councils a financial incentive to promote economic growth.


The report set out the details of a request from a company based in Christleton Court, Manor Park in Runcorn. Members were advised that Officers of the Council had visited the company to evaluate their growth plans and to agree a series of realistic and deliverable outputs which would be conditional upon the award of any discretionary business rates relief.




1)    100% Discretionary Business Rates Relief be granted “in principle” for Unit 8, Christleton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, initially for a period of six months, based upon the economic and job creation opportunities outlined in the report and subject to the conditions detailed in paragraph 3.8 of the report;


2)    Subject to resolution 1, at the end of the first six month period, if satisfactory progress is evidenced towards the creation of at least six new sustainable jobs within twelve months, a further six months relief be awarded as set out in paragraph 3.8 of the report; and


3)    the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, in liaison with the Resources Portfolio holder, be authorised to action the initial six months and subsequent six months Discretionary Business Rates Relief in respect of Unit 8, Christleton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, once the premises have been added to the rating list and subject to the conditions detailed in paragraph 3.8 of the report.



Directorate Overview Reports pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, on progress against key objectives/milestones and performance targets for the fourth quarter year-end to 31 March 2016.


          The Board was advised that the Directorate Performance Overview Report provided a strategic summary of key issues arising from performance in the relevant quarter for each Directorate, being aligned to Council priorities or functional areas. The Board noted that such information was key to the Council’s performance management arrangements, with the Board having a key role in monitoring performance and strengthening accountability.


          It was reported that each report contained an update concerning the implementation of mitigation measures for all high risks contained within each Directorate Risk Register.


          RESOLVED: That the report and progress and performance information be noted.




ICT & Support Services Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 236 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, which outlined the ICT and Support Services Capital Programme.


          The Board was advised that, supported by last year’s capital programme, the authority’s technology infrastructure had undergone a considerable upgrade with major changes to the internal structure, wi-fi, server and storage infrastructure and server infrastructure licensing. It was noted that these changes had given the authority a multi-site resilient technology architecture that would enable the delivery of a true cloud based service to all of its users.


          The report set out the key programme areas for the 2016/17 ICT Capital Programme, which was split into three distinct areas of Licensing, Desktop Development and Cloud Services. It also set out details of the financial spend profile for Members’ consideration.


          RESOLVED: That the Board notes and approves the programme and IT Capital Programme spend profile for 2016/17.


Corporate Security Contract pdf icon PDF 223 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which advised of a tender opportunity for Corporate Security Services to be published via The Chest.


          The Board was advised that Select Security (North West) Limited were awarded the Corporate Security Contract following a procurement exercise in 2015, for a three year period. It was reported that the company was placed into Administration on 19 January 2016. The company was sold and a change of company name had taken place, with the new company known as Select Security (NW) Limited.


          It was reported that, following a meeting, it was acknowledged that as an interim measure the Council had little option but to continue with the current provider of the security contract. However, this was subject to the new company demonstrating that they had everything in place to deliver such a service. This was confirmed and the Board was advised that the Chief Executive had used emergency powers to approve a waiver of procurement standing orders under Procurement Standing Order 1.8.1 in respect of the interim security arrangements.


          The Board noted the new contract would be for a three year period with the provision for a twelve month extension subject to satisfactory performance giving a maximum contract length of four years.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the Board note the intention to procure a new corporate security contract in line with EU Public Procurement Regulations 2006 and Procurement Standing Orders; and


2)    note that the Chief Executive approved a waiver of Standing Orders under Procurement Standing Order 1.8.1, in respect of the provision of interim security arrangements until such time that a new contract is awarded.




In this case the Board has a discretion to exclude the press and public and, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it is RECOMMENDED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, having been satisfied that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.



            The Board considered:


(1)      whether Members of the press and public should be excluded from the meeting of the Board during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Sub-Section 4 of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be considered, exempt information would be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972; and


(2)      whether the disclosure of information was in the public interest, whether any relevant exemptions were applicable and whether, when applying the public interest test and exemptions, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed that in disclosing the information.


          RESOLVED: That as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information, members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Sub-Section 4 of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that, in view of the nature of the business, exempt information would be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Physical Environment Portfolio


Proposal to facilitate disposal of the former Bayer Cropscience Site- KEY DECISION


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which presented the options for the development of the Bayer Cropsience site.


The report provided details on the current position with the site, options for its future development and a recommendation of a preferred approach, for Members to consider.


Reason(s) for Decision


To allow the development of a largescale brownfield site for economic gain.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


The site had been informally marketed and the site had been formally marketed under a development partner. Neither of these approaches had resulted in any viable success for development.


Although the recent open marketing had been for a period of five months, the site had been available on the market for circa five years in total.


Implementation Date


1 October 2016.




1)    the current position be noted;


2)    the disposal of approximately 40 acres of land by way of a development agreement as per the terms set out in Appendix A, be approved;


3)    the Operational Director, Economy, Enterprise and Property be authorised in consultation with the Leader and portfolio holders for Resources and Physical Environment to agree the final net price payable; and


4)    the Operational Director, Economy, Enterprise and Property be authorised to arrange for all required documentation to be completed to the satisfaction of the Operational Director, Legal and Democratic Services.


MINUTES ISSUED: 20 June 2016


CALL-IN: 27 June 2016



Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 5.00pm on 27 June 2016