Agenda and minutes

Executive Board Sub Committee - Thursday, 4th March, 2010 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail 

No. Item




(NB: Councillor Harris declared a personal interest in the following item of business due to being a Governor of All Saints Primary School).

Corporate Services Portfolio


Upton All Saints - New Build Primary School pdf icon PDF 25 KB


          The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy regarding the tendering process relating to the new build primary school at All Saints CE Primary School, Upton, Widnes.


          Tenders were invited from six contractors in a two stage tendering process, designed to ensure that the contractor offering “best value” was appointed to carry out the project. As a result, six tenders were received and from the analysis of the stage one bids, which were assessed on both price and quality, three contractors were chosen to progress to stage two. At stage two a detailed presentation and rigorous interview of each of these contractors was undertaken by an appointed panel to establish quality levels as part of the overall review. The aggregate of both price and quality from this two stage process resulted in a preferred contractor, John Turner and Sons (Preston) Limited being chosen for this project.


          The tendered sum was within the overall budget allowance for the construction works for this project as outlined in the Executive Board meeting on 28th January 2010. The project was due to start in January 2010 with completion of the new school in November 2010 with final completion of the demolition and external works in February 2011.


          RESOLVED: That Members note that the tender submitted by John Turner and Sons (Preston) Limited had been accepted by the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy, and a contract had been entered into, with a contract sum of £3,056,375.


Spending as at 31st December 2009 pdf icon PDF 37 KB


          The Sub-Committee considered a report which summarised the overall revenue and capital spending position as at 31st December 2009.


          In overall terms, revenue expenditure was below the budget profile, however, this was only a guide to eventual spending. It was noted that spending on employees was below the budget profile which was primary due to the delay in settling the 2009 Pay Award. The budget included 2.5% for the pay award, which was actually settled at just over 1% in total and the new rates were paid in October along with the arrears of pay. As a result budgets would be revised to reflect the actual pay award. However, this was partly offset by the additional 0.3% awarded in respect of the 2008 pay award following arbitration, which was 0.25% higher than budget.


          Following the Pay and Grading Review, appeals for the Health and Community and Environment Directorate had been completed, for which one-off back pay costs had been met from reserves whilst on-going additional costs would need to be contained within existing budgets. Appeals in respect of the other Directorates were on-going, as were negotiations regarding the standardisation of terms for Premium Pay.


          With regard to electricity costs, these were expected to be approximately £160,000 below budget by year end, following the commencement of a new contract in October 2009, which was secured at favourable prices.


          It was noted that investment returns were still in line with budget despite low interest rates due to having locked in to higher rate investments which would expire during this financial year. As a result, investment income would fall significantly next year.  


          With regard to income, it was reported that this was currently below budget profile in a number of areas, some of which may reflect the economic downturn and at this stage appeared likely to be below budget by year end. It was expected that these shortfalls would continue into next year and therefore they may have to be taken in account within the medium term financial forecast. However, at this stage, it did not appear that shortfalls in income were having an adverse effect upon the overall budget.


          It was reported that capital spending to 31st December 2009 totalled £19m, which was 78% of the planned spending of £24.5m at this stage. However, this only represented 56% of the total capital programme of £33.8m (which assumes a slippage of 20% between years).


          Although historically capital expenditure was significantly higher in the latter part of the financial year, it was important that project manager maintained pressure to keep projects and spending on schedule and in particular to ensure that all external funding was maximised.


          RESOLVED: That


          (1) the report be noted; and


          (2) budget managers continue to closely monitor and control spending and income levels, to ensure that overall spending remained in line by year end.

Health and Social Care Portfolio


Commissioning an Abstinence/Recovery Service pdf icon PDF 25 KB


          The Sub-Committee received a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which advised of the decision to award a contract to Trust The Process Counselling (TTPC) for the provision of an abstinence/recovery service until March 31st 2010 as only one tender was received.


          It was noted that Halton, Warrington and St. Helens were currently developing a collaborative approach to commissioning substance misuse services. The projected start date for new services commissioned through this collaboration was April 2010. Therefore the commissioning of the Abstinence/Recovery service would be on a pilot basis until 31st March 2010.


          At the first stage of the tender process four service providers were invited to tender for the contract. The Drug Action Team (DAT) received three expressions of interest. However, of these only one provider submitted a final tender document. TTPC were interviewed by a panel of DAT Officers and the Crime Manager from Cheshire Constabulary, who was a member of the DAT Joint Commissioning Group.


          The cost of the Contract was £250,000 which would be met through existing resources. As only one provider put forward a tender, a value for money assessment was made by comparing the cost and delivery of this contract against those of similar contracts within the North West.


          RESOLVED: That the award of a contract to Trust The Process Counselling be noted.


One Year Extension to current Drug & Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Service Contracts pdf icon PDF 29 KB


          The Sub-Committee considered a report which sought authority to extend the contracts of ARCH Initiatives, Trust The Process Counselling and Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Merseyside and Cheshire) until 31st March 2011. Also to extend the Addaction contract until 31st March 2011 and increase its value to £50,000 to allow for the addition of an Alcohol Arrest Referral Scheme.


          It was noted that under the leadership of the Chief Executive, a group of senior managers from Halton, St. Helens and Warrington Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts had been meeting to discuss the option of commissioning substance misuse services across the three areas. Therefore to prevent any gaps in service provision it was necessary to extend contracts for a further year for ARCH Initiatives, Addaction and Trust The Process Counselling.


          In addition, one of the service areas that Addaction was currently commissioned to provide was that of an arrest referral scheme for drug users. The Safer Halton Partnership had made available £50,000 from Working Neighbourhood Funds to commission a similar service for those adults arrested as a result of their alcohol abuse.


          Therefore with discussions between the three Local Authority areas around drug service provision still on-going, there was insufficient time to undertake a new tender process and award contracts to commence on 1st April 2010.          Also to tender and award a one year contract from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011 would cause significant disruption to service delivery, service users and staff in provider services.


          With regard to the provision of support service to victims of sexual violence, this was highly specialised and there was no market in this area of delivery. Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Merseyside and Cheshire) currently provided the support services for the Merseyside Sexual Assault Referral Service and would undertake the same role for the Cheshire equivalent when it opened shortly. The contract to provide these services in 2010/11 was expected to be £20,000, however this would be subject to future budget considerations as part of a report assessing the needs of the service.


          The service delivered by ARCH Initiatives, Addaction and Trust The Process Counselling through these three contracts would be subject to open, competitive tendering in 2010/11 when the Council, in partnership with other Local Authorities and PCTs tendered for a combined drug service.


          RESOLVED: That


          (1) for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6b, authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Culture and Leisure Services to extend the contracts of ARCH Initiatives, Trust The Process Counselling and Rape and Support Centre (Merseyside and Cheshire) until March 31st 2011 without competitive tendering; and


          (2) for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6b, authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Culture and Leisure Services to extend the contract of Addaction and increase the contract value by £50,000 in order that they can provide an Alcohol Arrest Referral Service until March 31st 2011 without competitive tendering.


E-Learning Procurement pdf icon PDF 20 KB


          The Sub-Committee was advised of a tender process to procure E-Learning products for the Health and Community Directorate. Following the closing date one completed tender was returned, the completed tenderer met all the service specifications and was within the allocated budget. The cost of the contract of the three period was £79,000 and funding would be through the Adult Social care Workforce Grant and the income generated through the Training Strategy Implementation Fund.


          E-Learning Products which were a learning and development tool that could be accessed via the internet using a personal computer or laptop. It would allow all colleagues to increase their knowledge in areas such as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults etc., without the need to travel to training venues, therefore, reducing travel expenses, time away from the workplace and allowing access to staff working unsociable hours.


          RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

Environment, Leisure and Sport Portfolio


Community Department, Scale of Charges 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 17 KB

Additional documents:



          The Sub-Committee received a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which set out the proposed admission charges for the 2010/11 for the Council Libraries, The Kingsway Learning Centre, Leisure Centres, Parks and Playing Pitches, Community Centres, Bereavement Services, Registration Services and The Brindley Arts Centre.


          Members were advised that no major changes were proposed in the structure of charges for 2010/11. The levels of charges had been set as part of the Council’s response in setting an overall budget. Charges had generally followed the corporate guidelines for 2% rise across the board.


          It was noted that The Brindley had proposed increases of 11% increases in hire charges last year and, as such had proposed a freeze on charges for 2010/11 to encourage the present levels of usage.


          Arising from the discussion it was agreed that a footnote be included in the cremation charges detailing the Environmental Surcharge in relation to mercury abatement under The Environmental Protection Act.


          RESOLVED: That the charges as proposed be approved.


ENGLAND 2018 WORLD CUP pdf icon PDF 16 KB


          The Sub-Committee was advised in preparation for the England World Cup Bid 2018, each City had been invited to submit a proposal for hosting a number of group stage and knock out matches. The Liverpool City bid required them to identify a host ground or grounds that could hold the matches, in addition, each ground would need to have a number of UEFA standard “support grounds” that could either be used as a Team Base Camp or a Venue Specific Training Site. The Stobart Stadium had been identified as a potential Team Based Camp or a Venue Specific Training Camp.


          It was noted that FIFA would inspect all prospective Training Sites, an informal inspection had already been undertaken of the Stobart Stadium Halton and the Inspector was very complimentary of the facilities. If selected as a Team Base Camp the Stadium would, in effect, be locked down for a period of around five weeks, this could present a problem to the Widnes Vikings as the Work Cup fell within the Summer rugby period. Discussions had taken place with the Chairman and the Chief Executive of the Widnes Vikings in relation to this issue and all parties felt a solution could be found.


          Due the speed of response required, following consultation with the Leader and the Chief Executive, Halton Borough Council had signed a commitment to support the Liverpool Bid as either a Team Base Camp or as a Venue Specific Training Site.


          RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the proposal in respect of the Stobart Stadium Halton endorsed.


Kingsway Leisure Centre, Capital Works pdf icon PDF 22 KB


          The Sub-Committee was advised that the Council was part of the Government’s free swimming programme for those 16 and under and those 60 and over. As such, the Council could bid into a capital budget of £25M administered by Sport England. In conjunction with DC Leisure a successful £385,000 stage one bid to refurbish the swimming pool changing rooms at Kingsway Leisure Centre had been submitted and accepted.


          In order to secure this grant, a stage two submission was required no later than 1st February 2010. All elements of the bid needed to be in place and it must be demonstrated that a project could be completed by 31st March 2011. In the North West only eight of the 28 stage one bids were selected to move to stage two.


          In line with recent refurbishment works at the Council’s leisure centres, it was proposed that DC Leisure act on behalf of the Council to procure the works and project manage the contract. To do this and to comply with the conditions set out by Sport England, the Council would need to issue DC Leisure with a Framework Agreement for the procurement of these works.


          Following discussions with DC Leisure, it was proposed that tendered rates from a contract DC Leisure was undertaking for Waverley District Council on a £4m contract for similar works would be used. This contract was accepted in 2009 and had been subject to the full OJEU process. The contract could therefore be awarded based on a design and build contract using the rates agreed in the Waverley Contract. This offered value for money at pre tendered rates.


          RESOLVED: That the Executive Board Sub Committee agree that:


          1) the Council award a framework agreement, that sub-contracts DC Leisure Management Limited, to procure and project manage the refurbishment of the swimming pool, changing rooms at Kingsway Leisure Centre, subject to the receipt of grant aid; and


          2) the Operational Director, Culture and Leisure Services be authorised to award the contract for Kingsway Leisure Centre capital works to Waverley District Council in the sum of £325,000, in light of the exceptional circumstances to meet Sport England deadlines and with a view to securing reduced costs and enhanced value for money and in accordance with Procurement Standing Order 1.6 Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 be waived on this occasion to enable the Council to benefit from external funding sources and to upgrade the facilities at the Kingsway Leisure Centre at no cost to the Council.




The Board considered:


(1)      whether Members of the press and public should be excluded from the meeting of the Board during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Sub-Section 4 of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be considered, exempt information would be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972; and



(2)      whether the disclosure of information was in the public interest, whether any relevant exemptions were applicable and whether, when applying the public interest test and exemptions, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed that in disclosing the information.


          RESOLVED: That as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Sub-Section 4 of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 because it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business, exempt information will be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



corporate services portfolio


Assignment of Head Lease at Albert Square Shopping Centre


          The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which sought approval to the assignment of the lease for Albert Square Shopping Centre to New River Retail (Portfolio No. 1) Limited. The report also sought consent to notify the current tenant that the obligations within the lease to carry out investment works at Albert Square Shopping Centre had been fulfilled.


          RESOLVED: That


(1)      authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive Board Sub-Committee to determine the requests; and


(2)      a further report be brought back to the Sub Committee to note the decision.

planning, transportation, regeneration & Renewal


Site Acquisition - Former Gyproc Site, Dennis Rd, Widnes Waterfront


          The Sub-Committee considered a report which sought authority to acquire with funding from the North West Development Agency, the former Gyproc Site, Dennis Road, Widnes.


          RESOLVED: That


          1) delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy and the Strategic Director for  Environment (in consultation with the Executive Member for Corporate and Policy and the Executive Member for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal) to take such action as necessary to acquire the land from St. Mobain, Gyproc’s parent company; and


          2) the Executive Board Sub-Committee certify that the decision is exempted from call-in due to the need to conclude the acquisition by the 30th March 2010.

Health and Social Care Portfolio


Award of Community Meals Contract


          The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which outlined the tender process for the provision of a Community Meals Service in Halton. Two tenders had been received and were assessed in the areas of price, quality, choice, staff and service user consultation.


          RESOLVED: That agreement be given for the award of the contract in the sum of £1,060,929.60 for the provision of a Community Meals service for a three-year contract (with an option to extend for two years).

MINUTES ISSUED: 18th March 2010

CALL IN:  26th March 2010

Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 26 March 2010.