Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Monday, 4th November, 2013 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn

Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 Ext. 16 8276 or Email: 

No. Item


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          The Minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2013, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.



Additional documents:


          The Committee considered the following applications for planning permission and, in accordance with its powers and duties, made the decisions described below.


- 13/00267/HBCFUL - Development of a permanent Travellers Site providing 12 pitches, including development of 12 hard standings, 12 brick single storey amenity buildings and timber boundary fencing to all pitches, access road with speed humps, street lighting, installation of water, gas and electrical services


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Officers advised the Committee that an updated proposed site plan had been provided which showed a swept path analysis and kerb radii to meet with the Highway Officer’s requirements.  The size of the proposed amenity buildings had been reduced, which was shown on the updated proposed site plan and the accompanying floor plan and elevations. 


It was noted that two additional representations had been received raising issues already dealt with in the Committee report.  Further, an additional condition securing the submission of a lighting scheme for approval was suggested. 


The Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) completed in 2007 was referred to, which concluded that an additional 28-32 permanent pitches were required in Halton by 2016. 


Following consideration of the officers’ presentation and report, Members agreed that the application be approved subject to the conditions listed.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.     Time limit condition;

2.     Approved plans (BE1);

3.     Submission of Precise External Facing Materials (BE2);

4.     Landscaping scheme (BE1 and GE28);

5.     Breeding birds protection (GE21);

6.     Hours of construction (BE1);

7.     Wheel wash (BE1);

8.     Implementation of boundary fencing (BE1);

9.     Ground contamination (PR14);

10. Parking and servicing areas (BE1 and TP12);

11. Surface water regulation and drainage strategy PR16);

12. Flood risk assessment mitigation measures (PR16);

13. Flood management plan;

14. Mitigation scheme to offset the impact of the development on biodiversity and loss of greenspace (GE6 and GE19);

15. Mitigation measures for badgers (GE21); and

16. Lighting scheme (BE1).



- 13/00278/FUL - Proposed redevelopment of existing high school comprising new school building, provision of new tennis courts, relocation of playing fields, new car parking and associated hard and soft landscaping and demolition of the existing school buildings at the Heath School, Clifton Road, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Members were advised that a further 10 objections had been received raising issues already addressed in the report.


It was reported that the Environment Agency (EA) had no objection in principle to the proposed development but wished to make the following comments:


·       the discharge of surface water from the proposed development was to mimic that which discharged from the existing site.  An assessment of the existing surface water drainage arrangements should be undertaken in order to inform the post development drainage strategy and allowable runoff rate.  If surface water was to discharge to mains sewer, the water company should be contacted for confirmation of the acceptable discharge rate.  For discharges above the allowable rate, attenuation would be required for up to the 1% annual probability event, including allowances for climate change; and


·       the discharge of surface water should, wherever practicable, be by Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).  SuDS, in the form of grassy swales, detention ponds, soakaways, permeable paving etc, could help to remove the harmful contaminants found in surface water and could help to reduce the discharge rate.


They stated therefore that the proposed development would only be acceptable if the following planning conditions were imposed:


1.     the development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as; a scheme to limit the surface water runoff generated by the proposed development, had been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, to prevent the increased risk of flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage/disposal of surface water from the site; and


2.     the development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as; a scheme to manage the risk of flooding from overland flow of surface water had been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, to reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants. 


Members were advised of the different methods of approach used to assess risk.  Members were also advised that the application was recommended for approval subject to officers writing to the HSE providing them with 21 days to consider whether to request the application be called in by the Secretary of State.  If the application was not called in, the decision notice was to be issued subject to the conditions listed below, and the additional EA conditions above.


Members discussed the application and gave most careful consideration to the HSE’s advice; the debate also included a discussion on the car parking arrangements, access to and from the school and drop off points.  The application was approved subject to the conditions outlined below.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions and the inclusion of the two conditions stated above and the application not being called in by the Secretary of State:


1.     Time limits condition;

2.     Approved plans (BE1)

3.     Materials (BE2);

4.     Drainage condition(s) (BE1);

5.     Boundary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


- 13/00328/FUL - Proposed highways and related works at Bridgewater Junction arising from the Mersey Gateway Bridge Project - Bridgewater Junction, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


It was reported that since the publication of the agenda the Council’s Environmental Health Officers had stated that they had no adverse comments to make regarding this application and would not at this stage be proposing any conditions.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


It should be noted that although there had been additional detail provided with this application, which may warrant the significant reduction in the number of conditions in comparison with the previously approved scheme, it was considered that the same conditions (where relevant*) should be applied to this proposal, as with the approved schemes, for continuity.


1.     Standard 3 year permission (BE1);

2.     Condition specifying amended plans (BE1);

3.     Final design to be submitted prior to commencement (BE1);

4.     Details of the phasing to be submitted prior to commencement;

5.     Construction methods report:

6.     Materials condition, requiring the submission and approval of the materials to be used prior to commencement (BE2);

7.     Details of how it fits in with the Construction and Operation Code of Practice for Environmental Management (COPE) and the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP);

8.     Construction Transport Management Plan;

9.     Landscaping details to be provided prior to commencement, including details of the noise attenuation scheme;

10. Replacement planting within 5 years if any landscaping is destroyed, removed, uprooted or dies;

11. Details of street furniture, traffic signalling and lighting;

12. Permanent and temporary highway and footpath access;

13. Alternative routes for existing greenway, cycle networks and footways/footpaths;

14. Details of drainage;

15. Any clearance of vegetation needs to be carried out outside the bird nesting season;

16. Details of construction compounds;

17. Within one year of development being opened to traffic, any land which has been used as a temporary compound shall be restored in accordance with a scheme to be submitted and approved;

18. Wheel cleaning facilities; and

19. Signage strategy.


(*Although the previous permissions, applicable to Bridgewater Junction, contained conditions in relation to contaminated land, archaeology, emergency access at Rothbury Close, landscaping adjacent to Betchworth Crescent, Junction 12 on the M56, and a Great Crested Newt Survey these were not considered necessary or appropriate for this application).


- 13/00364/FUL - Proposed two storey side extension at 101 Heath Road South


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


RESOVED: That the application be approved subject to conditions:


1.     Standard 3 year expiry; and

2.     Materials to match existing (BE1)




Ineos Enquiry


Pre inquiry meetings were confirmed on the following dates and would be held at The Pavillions, Runcorn:


·       21 – 24 January 2014

·       28 – 31 January 2014; and

·       11 – 14 February 2014



The following Appeal Decisions had been made:



APP/D0650/A/13/2195692 - Resubmission of planning application 11/00429/FUL for part demolition of existing building and change of use of site to metal recycling facility, including construction of a two storey office building, siting of weighbridge and associated cabin, erection of various 6m, 7m, and 8m high boundary treatments and siting of external plant and machinery and associated works at land at Everite Road, Widnes, WA8 8PT.


The Appeal was allowed and permission has been granted.



The following Appeals had been received / were in progress:



APP/D0650/A/13/2201280 - Proposed variation of condition 57 of BERR permission (Halton Ref 07/00068/ELC) to vary (by increase) the maximum amount of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) which may be transported by road to the energy from waste facility (EfW) from 85,000 tonnes per annum up to 480,000 tonnes per annum at Ineos Chlor South Parade, Runcorn.  And to place an obligation on the operator of the EfW facility to report annually to Halton Borough Council the actions taken to secure the delivery of RDF by rail and or water over the previous 12 month period together with recommendations for the year ahead at Runcorn Energy From Waste Facility, Barlow Way, Off Picow Farm Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4HG.


Inquiry to be held in January




APP/D0650/A/13/2201486 - Proposed erection of 2 metre high vehicle entrance gates to replace existing gates and provision of a pedestrian gate at entrance to Ponderosa Caravan Park on Ponderosa Caravan Park, Chester Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA4 4BE.



APP/D0650/A/13/2196163 -Proposed removal of condition 1 from Planning Permission APP/D0650/C/10/2126943 to allow the permanent retention of a mixed use for the keeping of horses and a residential gypsy caravan site at Land south-west of junction between, Newton Lane and Chester Road, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 4AJ.


Inquiry to be held in November





APP/D0650/ D/13/2205325 – Proposed two storey pitched roof extension to rear / side at 6 Ladypool, Hale.


To be dealt with via the Householder written representations.