Agenda and minutes

Corporate Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 4th September, 2012 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 Ext. 16 8276 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes from the meeting held on 22 May 2012 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




The Board was advised that no public questions had been received.



Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Executive Board Committee relating to the work of the Corporate Policy and Performance Board since its last meeting were submitted for information.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes be noted.




SSP Minutes pdf icon PDF 15 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes relating to the Corporate Services Portfolio which were considered by the Halton Strategic Partnership Board, were presented to the Board for information.


RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.



Halton Strategic Partnership Topic Group Review pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


The Board was presented with a copy of the Topic Group Review on the Halton Strategic Partnership (HSP) which had been recently undertaken and was chaired by Councillor Joe Roberts.


Councillor Roberts reported that as part of its topic programme, the Corporate Policy and Performance Board took a decision to examine the role and function of the HSP to identify where opportunities existed for future development and closer collaboration with the Council.  A group of Elected Members were selected and a programme of meetings was arranged around the topic. 


Once the Terms of Reference were established, the meetings went on to explore the history and role of the Partnership, its purpose, the membership, its objectives and activities.  Furthermore, Members also put forward proposals for how the relationship between the PPBs and the HSP could be strengthened, how agendas could be more closely interrelated and how ongoing activities could be effectively scrutinised.  The current membership list of the HSP was attached at Appendix 1 of the report and a structure diagram was attached at Appendix 2.


It was highlighted that from now on an annual report would be sent to the Corporate PPB as well as the HSP minutes, which were already a standing item.  Members were pleased with the outcomes achieved and work undertaken by the topic group and agreed that the report could be submitted to the Council’s Executive Board for approval.  Members conveyed their thanks to Councillor Roberts and the other Members involved for their input.





1.    the report be received; and


2.    that the report be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.

Councillor Roberts declared a Disclosable Other Interest in the following item, specifically relating to paragraph 5.1, as he was a member of Halton and District Horticultural Society, which had received area forum funding via the Broadheath, Ditton, Hough Green and Hale Area Forum.


Local Area Forums 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 756 KB


The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – Communities, which outlined the spending profiles of the Local Area Forums for the financial period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012.


Members were advised that Local Area Forums were set up in 2001 to take policy development into communities, bridging the gap between key agencies working within the Borough.  Each Local Area Forum (LAF) was led by the respective local Councillors and supported by a Senior Officer from the Council.  Other partner organisations such as the Police, Fire Service, Housing Associations, youth and voluntary sector bodies also attended LAF’s to keep the community informed of local developments and to respond to local concerns. 


It was commented that in 2011-12, £600,000 was allocated to the seven Area Forums which was then divided between them on a per capita basis (a breakdown of this funding was provided in the report).  The local communities were then invited to attend their local forum and were encouraged to provide ideas for neighbourhood projects that would enhance their local area.


The report provided information on the areas of expenditure of the LAF’s as a whole, these were categorised into key areas: Landscapes; Safety; Youth Facilities; Improved Parks; Pedestrian Access; Security and Other.  Additionally, breakdowns were provided of the individual expenditure for each of the seven Area Forums, using the above categories.


Members were referred to Appendix A (revised funding application form) and Appendix B (revised funding approval letter) which were discussed and agreed by Members. 


The following comments were made and noted following debate:


·         Area Forum Funding cannot be used for projects that would require ongoing revenue funding from the Council;

·         Projects must contribute to one or more of the Council’s priorities;

·         A working party scrutinising the Area Forums existed and would be reporting to the Corporate Policy and Performance Board later in the year;

·         Members offered their thanks to the Area Forum Projects Coordinator in assisting the Area Forums to obtain external funding;

·         Each Area Forum would receive its own funding report for 2011-12; and

·         Each Area Forum should also receive the full report considered by this PPB.


RESOLVED:  That the revised Local Area Forums funding application form and funding approval letter be agreed.





Performance Monitoring Reports - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


The Strategic Director – Policy and Resources, presented the performance management reports for quarter one of 2012-13.


It was noted that key priorities for development or improvement in 2012-15  were agreed by Members and included in Directorate Plans, for the various functional areas reporting to the Corporate Policy and Performance Board:


§  Financial Services;

§  Human Resources & Organisational Development;

§  ICT Infrastructure;

§  Legal and Democracy;

§  Policy and Performance;

§  Property Services; and

§  Catering, Stadium and Registration Services


Members were reminded that these reports were the first submission of the revised performance monitoring reports, which were requested by Members last year. 


Members agreed that the reports were more concise and reader friendly.  It was noted that the full departmental quarterly reports would still be available to Members through the Members Information Bulletin and on the link provided on page 74 of the report.


RESOLVED:  That the Policy and Performance Board note the first quarter performance management reports and comments made.



Councillor E Cargill arrived during the following item.


Sickness Absence 2011/2012 pdf icon PDF 19 KB


The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – Policy and Resources, on sickness absence for 2011-12.


The report provided information on attendance management and intervention activities that were undertaken in 2011-12 and how these had assisted managers in effectively managing employee absence. It also provided information on the outcome of these activities on sickness levels.


It was reported that  further interventions were planned for 2012-13.  These included a programme of bite sized training for managers regarding the changes to the Capability Procedure relating to sickness absence; continued refresher training for existing managers and training for new managers in the Managing Attendance Policy; expansion of HR surgeries to cover other staff related issues and providing HR surgeries in schools.


The Board was advised that sickness absence had continued to reduce year on year.  Working days lost due to sickness absence per employee in 2011-12  was  9.03, compared to 9.68 days per employee for the same period in 2010-11.  The Board was also advised that the Council continued to work closely with trade unions and carried out regular stress risk assessments. 


RESOLVED:  That the content of the report and comments made be noted.