Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 23rd September, 2008 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Michelle Simpson on 0151 424 2061 Ext. 1126 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 2008 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




It was confirmed that no public questions had been received.



Additional documents:


The Board considered a report regarding the First Quarter Monitoring Reports for the Environment and Regulatory Services, Culture and Leisure, Health and Partnerships and Highways, Transportation & Logistics.

Arising from the discussion reference was made to a number of issues including:

Environmental & Regulatory Services

·        Clarity was sought on the commitment to building an average annual build rate of 600 dwellings per year;                                                                                                      

·        EAR2, Page 10 - Securing funding from the National Lottery Fund for Runcorn Hill Park and Local Nature Reserves restoration – clarity was sought on the lack of resources;

·        Local Strategic Partnership 2008/09 – Clarity was sought on 7372, (Pride of Place Action Team,) 7375 (Neighbourhood Pride) and 7390 (Graffiti Team).

In respect of the three bullet points above, Officers undertook to provide a written response to the questions.

·        The progress in respect of the extension to kerbside multi material recycling service to a further 20,000 households was noted;

·        EAR4, Page 14 – The commitment that blue bin would be provided to properties that had been identified as suitable for a blue bin by the end of the financial year was noted; and

Health & Partnerships

·        Progress on the construction of the new Traveller transit site at Warrington Road was requested.  Officers undertook to provide a written response to the question.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




The Board received a presentation from the Community Safety Manager which updated the Members of the progress made with the ongoing review of the Community Safety Team and its existing structures. In this respect, the presentation:-


·        Outlined the priorities;


·        Set out the new developments and what had been achieved during the last month in respect of the Family Intervention Project (Compass) which had been established from some Home Office funding;


·        Explained the new developments in respect of the Witness Support Officer, the Marketing Officer and the new Licensing Officer which was currently being advertised.  It was also explained that that the Witness Support service was free and had been funded by the Council;


·        Set out the activities in respect of meetings and performance;


·        Highlighted that there were currently working with 35 different agencies on a daily basis;


·        Explained the Youth Crime, Youth Alcohol, Youth Task Force Action Plans, the Engaging Communities in Fighting Crime (32 proposals), the Policing Green Paper and the Local Area Agreements;


·        Set out the various funding that was allocated within the Action Plans and how the funding was utilised;


·        Outlined the progress that had been made within the service.


The Chief Executive took the opportunity to thank the Community Safety Manager for his work in developing and building the team.  He indicated that the team had been supported by multi agencies and during the last 12 months there had been significant improvements in respect of community safety.  Burglaries and theft from motor vehicles had been reduced significantly.  Violent crime, however, continued to be a challenge, but anti social behaviour had also been significantly reduced.  A number of Members had indicated that there had been improvements in their wards and this was a credit to the Community Safety Team and the agencies who undertook to reduce the crime in the Borough. He added that crime and disorder was also being monitored through the Safer Halton Partnership.


   In this respect, the Chief Executive suggested that the minutes of the last meeting of the Safer Halton Partnership be presented to the Board meetings. This would enable a greater sharing of information and give the Board the opportunity to give feedback to the Local Strategic Partnership. He added that if Members had any issues on crime and disorder they could speak to Inspector Hill at Runcorn or Inspector Nadia Brew at Widnes.  However, it was reported that they would be leaving soon, but assurance had been given that the new Officers would get up to speed very quickly.

Arising from the discussion reference was made to a number of issues including:

·        It was noted that Victim Support was one of the agencies outlined in the presentation;


·        It was requested that information in relation to the allocation/spend of past and present core budgets be circulated to all Members of the Board.  In this respect, it was reported that the minutes from the Safer Halton Partnership which would enable Members to have a greater awareness and understanding of investments and where they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which introduced the draft report of the Scrutiny Review of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults for Members consideration.


The Board was advised that a Seminar for basic awareness training in safeguarding vulnerable adults had been arranged on Thursday, 2nd October 2008, at 1.30 pm at the Stobart Stadium, Halton.  All Members were encouraged to attend.  It was suggested that consideration be given to holding a further seminar in the evening to ensure that all Members have the opportunity to attend.


The Chairman, took the opportunity to pay tribute to the work that had been undertaken by everyone in the topic group. He also took the opportunity to place on record his thanks and appreciation to all concerned.




(1)                    the comments be noted; and


(2)                    the Scrutiny Review and its recommendations  as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be endorsed as follows:


Performance Monitoring (Statistical Data)


·        To support the implementation of a national data collection/recording system for all agencies to use and more legislation in place to ensure procedures are compulsory for all agencies involving in safeguarding vulnerable adults;


·        The Police to complete the development of a Quality Assurance process monitoring the outcomes of their investigations; and


·        Advocacy support to be considered internally to support victims of alleged abuse through the process;




·        To ensure there are trigger mechanisms in place, regularly distribute the promotional leaflet (in particular to domiciliary agencies) explaining what to look out for in terms of abuse and what steps can then be taken; and


·        Launch and promote the findings from the scrutiny review, including an article in Inside Halton and on the website.




·        Halton Borough Council to continue providing/co-ordinating a rolling programme of basic awareness training in safeguarding vulnerable adults involving both the Police and Age Concern for all agencies and monitoring this training on a regular basis; and


·        Halton Borough Council to organise specific safeguarding vulnerable adults training for Members through a Seminar Day during 2008/09;


Vetting Procedures in Provider Services


·        Lay-assessment of residential and nursing homes by Members be considered, taking into account the necessary protocols, training and resource issues that would arise; and


·        Ensure the standard contract continues to be regularly reviewed, taking particular note of standards affecting safeguarding of vulnerable adults.


Police Protocol


·        Continue with the regular quarterly operational management meetings, reviewing the Police Protocol on an ongoing and annual basis; and


·        Review the current resource allocation within the Police focussing on safeguarding vulnerable adults;


Member Representation on Safeguarding Board


·        Full Council to consider if Member representations on the Safeguarding Board would be appropriate;


Role of Adult Protection Co-ordinator


·        Consider how the staffing structure for safeguarding vulnerable adults could be enhanced at Halton Borough Council;


Dignity in Care


·        Monitor the work/success of the Dignity Board; and


Research Project


·        Support the recommendations within the research project.


Local Area Agreement and Community Strategy Progress Report pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which advised Members on the progress towards targets set in the Community Strategy and 2007 Local Area Agreement.


            The Board was advised that when appropriate, six monthly reports on progress made against the LAA’s would be presented to the Board.


            The Members requested that information be reported to a future meeting on the process of the surveys and how the information had been collated.




(1)                    the progress report be noted;


(2)                    that a report detailing the process of the surveys and how the information within them had been collated; and


(3)                     when appropriate, six monthly progress reports would be presented to the Board.


The application of the BRAMM (British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons) scheme in Halton's cemeteries pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which advised Members of the issues that had arisen during the first twelve months of the operation of the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) scheme in Halton’s cemeteries.  The report also sought support for the amendment of the Council’s cemetery rules to clarify certain matters, including anomalies that had arisen to date.


It was noted that ‘No Smoking’ signs had been placed in the cemetery.  Members requested that clarity be sought on who had authorised them and why they had been placed there.  Officers undertook to look into this matter.




(1)                    the report and comments made be noted;


(2)                    the Executive Board Sub-Committee be requested to agree to the adoption of a local Memorial Mason Registration Scheme, from 1st January 2009, as set out in the draft attached to the report at Appendix 1;


(3)                    the Operational Director, Health and Partnerships, in consultation with the Executive Board Member, Environment be delegated to finalise the document and any future amendments;


(4)                    the Executive Board Sub Committee be requested to agree to the amendment of the Cemetery Rules as outlined in Appendix 2 of the report, to take effect on 1st October 2008; and


(5)                    the Executive Board Sub Committee be requested to agree a new fee for the right to place on a grave a vase / book / tablet exceeding 18 inches width x 12 inches x 12 inches but not exceeding the width of the grave or 30 inches (whichever is the least) x 12 inches x 12 inches, of £65.


Annual Traffic Collision Report pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which outlined road traffic collision and casualty numbers within the Borough in the year 2007 and recommended a continuance of road traffic accident reduction work.


The report set out full details of the numbers of traffic collisions and casualties in the year 2007 and compared these figures with those for previous years.  The report also gave details of progress towards various national and local targets for casualty reductions.

The Board was advised that there had been a continual reduction in accidents.  The results illustrated the success of recent casualty reduction work, funded through Halton’s second Local Transport Plan and the Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership, supported by targeted enforcement and local road safety education, training and publicity initiatives.

Reference was made to a previous presentation made to the Board on the effectiveness of traffic calming schemes throughout the Board and Members requested that a similar presentation be made on the effectiveness of accident reduction schemes. It was agreed that this could be done with reference being made to various education training and publicity initiatives employed to reduce accidents and collisions. 




(1)                    the report be noted;


(2)                    the current programme of road traffic collision reduction schemes and road safety education, training and publicity be endorsed; and


(3)                    a report outlining the effectiveness of accident reduction schemes and Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity initiatives over the last few years be presented to the Board.


Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership Annual Report pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which outlined the Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership’s (CSRP) Annual Report for 2007/08.


The Board was advised that in 2001 Halton had installed its first eight safety cameras as a Local Transport Plan funded safety initiative.  In 2002 the Cheshire Area Safety Camera Partnership (CASCP) had been formed and accredited under the national hypothecation programme.  The project had continued to develop and Halton currently had 21 safety cameras in the Borough, all positioned at sites which complied with the national guidelines. 


The Board was advised that in December 2005 the Secretary of State had announced changes in the organisation of camera partnerships.  As from April 2007, the management and operation of the safety cameras was required to be integrated into the delivery of each highway authority’s road safety strategy. 


In response to these changes, the Cheshire Safer Roads Partnership had been established in April 2007, with a remit that not only included the management and development of Cheshire’s speed and red light cameras, but also delivering Cheshire wide strategic road safety, education, training and publicity initiatives.


In respect of there being a 60% reduction in accidents, Members requested that Officers look at ways of demonstrating the effectiveness of cameras.  It was suggested that this could be acheived by identifying the statistics five years before and after the camera’s were installed and comparing them against the current statistics.  These facts could be circulated to Members of the Board, the press and the leaflet ‘Inside Halton’.




(1)                    the work of the CSRP in reducing road casualties continue to be welcomed and supported; and


(2)          Officers look at ways of demonstrating the effectiveness of the cameras, by comparing statistics from five years before and after installation and to circulate this information to Members, the local press, and the leaflet ‘Inside Halton’.


Notes of Working Party Meetings pdf icon PDF 14 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which informed Members of the topics and issues discussed at meetings of Working Parties set up by the Board.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.