Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 19th January, 2010 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 471 7389 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2009 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




The Board was advised that no questions had been submitted.


SSP Minutes pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The minutes from the last Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) meeting held on Tuesday, 12 September 2009 were presented to the Board for information.


RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.







The Board received the Safer Community Working Party minutes of its 1 December 2009 meeting for information.


It was reported that Rosie Lyden, The Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator was now in post and currently reviewing what was being done in Halton and looking at the gaps.


Members were thanked for their attendance and contributions to the Working Group to date.


RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.



Additional documents:


The Board received a report from the Chief Executive on the Performance Management Reports for Quarter 2, 2009/10.


            Members were requested to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of the 1st quarter performance management reports on progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services etc. for:-


·        Health & Partnerships;

·        Highways & Transportation;

·        Environmental & Regulatory Services; and

·        Culture & Leisure.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        It was noted that there were errors in the information that had been highlighted as within the remit of the Board.  Members requested that information within the remit of the Board in future reports be clearly identified;


·        It was noted that it was too early to assess the implications of budget restraints on directorates;


·        It was noted that the performance monitoring reports were out of date.  The Members asked that a letter be sent to the Chief Executive requesting that the Board receive up to date performance monitoring reports whenever possible and wherever this was not possible the Board receive a summary of the current performance;


·        The Board discussed the issues and financial implications in relation to replacing a wheelie bin.  It was agreed that the Board request that the Budget Working Group re-consider the decision not to establish the facility to charge for a replacement bin as an ultimate sanction.




(1)         the report and comments made be noted;


(2)         a letter be sent to the Chief Executive requesting that the Board receive up to date performance monitoring reports whenever possible and wherever this was not possible the Board receive a summary of the current performance;


(3)         information that is relevant to the Board on future performance reports be clearly highlighted; and


(4)         the Board request that the Budget Working Group reconsider their decision not to introduce the facility to charge for a replacement wheelie bin as an ultimate sanction.





The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which provided information on the progress towards meeting Halton’s Local Area Agreements (LAA’s) targets to September 2009.



The Board was advised that Appendix 1 to the report outlined the progress to the 2009 – 10 mid-year which included those indicators and targets that fell within the remit of the Policy and Performance Board.


The Board was further advised that in considering the report Members needed to be aware that:-


·                    All of the measures within the National Indicator Set were monitored through Quarterly Departmental Service Plan Monitoring Reports. The purpose of the report was to consolidate information on all measures and targets relevant to the PPB in order to provide a clear picture of progress; and


·                    In some cases outturn data could not be made available at the mid-year point and there were also some Place Survey based indicators for which information would not become available until 2010 i.e. the next date the survey was due to be undertaken


During the debate clarity was sought In respect of volunteers being trained to become Crime Prevention experts within the community and to carry out crime prevention assessments, give support and refer into the Safer Homes Partnership.


In response it was reported that this was a Cheshire Police initiative who were training volunteers to become champions in the community and would give advice, i.e. safety in the home, which would help to reduce crime.  The Board requested that a report on this initiative be presented to the next meeting of the Board.




(1)                     the report and comments made be noted; and


(2)          the Board receive an update report on the Cheshire Police Initiative on Crime Prevention Champions in the Borough.



PRESENTATION: Drug Treatment Plan pdf icon PDF 18 KB


   The Board received a presentation from Steve Eastwood, Health and Community on the development of a Drug Treatment Plan for submission to the National Treatment Agency.


   The presentation:-


·              Outlined the timetable for the Treatment Plan;


·              Explained the NTA approach to Needs Assessment;


·              Highlighted what an assessment sought to identify;


·              Outlined the stakeholders involved in developing The Treatment Plan 2010/11;


·              Set out the data resources that had been utilised;


·              Outlined the achievements against 09/10 strategic priorities;


·              Highlighted the findings of a profile of service users at Ashley House and services users and carers;


·              Detailed Halton’s Recovery Oriented Integrated System; and


·              Set out the findings in respect of the Treatment System at Ashley House and the strategic priorities for 2010/11.


   The following points arose from the discussion:-


·              the Members of the Board congratulated the staff at Ashley House for the excellent work that had been undertaken to date;


·              the year on year improvements in respect of the service provision in Ashley House and the excellent support individuals received was noted;


·              It was reported that if any Member wished to visit Ashley House they could contact Steve Eastwood;


·              The challenges in respect of the number of community pharmacies offering observed consumption and/or needle exchange and the progress made to date was noted;


·              The issue of alcohol abuse in Halton and the associated affect it had on drug abuse was noted;


·              The joint initiatives that had taken place in the community to reduce drug and alcohol abuse in Halton was noted;


·              The challenges in respect of receiving information on offenders released from prison early was noted.  It was also noted that work was being undertaken with the Probation Service to address this issue and wherever possible an Integrated Offender Management Plan was established;


·              It was suggested that the major issue in Halton was alcohol abuse; and


·              It was requested that a copy of the presentation be circulated to all Members of the Board.




(1)                     the presentation and comments made be noted;


(2)                     Steve Eastwood be thanked for his informative presentation; and


(3)                     A letter be sent on behalf of the Board to the staff at Ashley House for the excellent work that had been undertaken to date; and


(4)                     The presentation be circulated to all Members of the Board.






The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which gave Members an update on the work of the Food Safety and Standards Team.


The Board was advised that the Food Safety and Standards Service within the Environment and Regulatory Services Department was responsible for enforcing food safety and standards legislation in the borough’s 1062 plus food premises. These included large manufacturers, restaurants, café’s, canteens, public houses, takeaways, schools and other public buildings. The overall objective of the service was to ensure compliance with food law and thereby prevent incidents of food bourne illness and ensure food complied with compositional and labelling standards. The work of the team was monitored by the Food Standards Agency a non-ministerial Government body who set statutory service standards.


The Board was further advised that the Service used a variety of interventions to monitor and control the standards of food safety in food premises. The most common intervention was to carry out a full inspection. However, other interventions may include sampling and analysis of food stuffs and advisory visits.


In addition, each year the food service carried out approximately 950 interventions in food businesses. Some higher risk businesses would receive more than one intervention in a year as full inspections at higher risk premises were frequently supplemented with regular monitoring visits.  In total 574 full inspections were carried out in 2008-2009.


The Board also received a presentation from Mr Stephen Burrows, Environmental Health which:-


·        Outlined the role of the Environmental Health Food Safety and Standards Team in respect of food hygiene – safety of food, hygiene of premises, food standards – composition, labelling and marketing of food and infectious disease control;


·        Gave details Halton’s Food Businesses;


·        Explained and showed photos of the teams key functions in respect of inspections, complaint investigation, food sampling, training, advice and guidance and food alerts;


·        Set out and explained the percentages in Halton in respect of  National Indicator NI 184 – the percentage of premises compliant with food law;


·        outlined the enforcement challenges and enforcement action that had been taken in the last five years;


·        gave details of collaboration that had taken place with other agencies to address these matters; and


·        set out future opportunities.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        the extensive work the team of undertook to ensure food safety and standards in the Borough was noted.  The Board also took the opportunity to congratulate the team for the excellent work they had undertaken in the Borough to date;


·        the agencies that the department collaborated with was noted;


·        it was noted that there were five people in the team, one for food standards and four undertaking food safety duties;


·        the increase in the number of people having food delivered to the home was noted.  The


·        the difficulties and challenges in identifying and communicating with long distance landlords of properties of food outlets was noted.  The difficulties incurred by the high business and management turnover of the take away food sector was also noted;


·        it was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2006 Introduction of Dog Control Orders pdf icon PDF 70 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which advised that The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 had brought in new powers for local authorities to be able to deal with problems associated with irresponsible dog ownership. Dog Control Orders replaced the previous system of byelaws for the control of dogs as well as the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, the powers of which were repealed upon adoption of dog control orders.  These powers enable local authorities to deal with the minority of irresponsible dog owners.


The Board was further advised of the progress in determining the nature and extent of orders to be declared and the result of internal and external consultations.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        It was suggested that the allotments could be better addressed via the tenancy agreement rather than via a Dog Control Order


·        It was highlighted that one of the greatest risk for young people was from dog faeces on playing fields and that dogs should be excluded from these areas and included in the schedule;


·        It was highlighted that the report listed all children’s playgrounds etc, and that not all playing fields in the Borough were designated play areas and some were not fenced off.  It was suggested that consideration be given to excluding dogs from these areas;


·        It was reported that there were areas such as Palacefield’s Ball Park that were on one schedule (Dog on a lead) and not on another and it was highlighted that a ball park was a children’s leisure facility and it was hoped that dogs would be excluded from such areas.  It was requested that the legal department look at the risk particularly to young people from dog faeces and adjust some of the schedules accordingly.


In response, it was reported that all comments would be considered and the schedule would be reviewed in twelve months time.  In addition, legal advice would be sought if anything could be added to the schedule at this present time without going out to further consultation.


·        It was suggested that a charge for dog licences should be re-introduced; and


·        It was noted that restrictions signs would be placed in Dog Control Order areas.


In conclusion, the Chairman reported that it would be Stuart Baxter’s last meeting before he retired from the Authority in March 2010 after 36 years service.  He took the opportunity to thank Stuart for all the support he had given to Members during his time with Halton Borough Council. 




(1)         The move towards the implementation of dog control orders for:-


·        The removal of dog faeces on all land within Halton, which is open to the public;


·        Exclusion of dogs from selected areas;


·        The keeping of dogs on leads in selected areas; and


·        Keeping of dogs on leads by direction of an authorised officer in selected areas:-


be supported;


(2)         the Boards comments in respect of these matters be forwarded to the Executive Board Sub Committee for consideration; and


(3)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


WORK PROGRAMME 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which sought to develop a work programme of Topics for the Board to examine in 2010/11. 


After discussion, the Board agreed the following work programme for 2010/11:-


·        Alcohol and its Influences (to include Anti Social Behaviour, Domestic Violence and Crime) – Councillor Stockton


·        The Bereavement Working Party in respect of ongoing issues in relation to future land acquisition – Councillor Morley;


·        Waste (to include Recycling, Enforcement and Litter) currently looking at the Waste and Recycling Plans  – Councillor Thomson


·        Smoking (to include Trading Standards, Issues relating to cold calling, loan sharks, bogus calling and No Smoking Enforcement) – Councillors Morley and Thomson; and


·        Noise Nuisance (to include Air Pollution and Smell Pollution) to specifically look at noise from traffic i.e. the new bridge – Councillor Osborne.


RESOLVED: That the work programme for 2010/11, as set out above be approved.





The Chairman, advised the Board that the Chief Executive had requested this item be considered by the Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board and a subsequent report may be submitted.