Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 26th June, 2012 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 511 7975 or e-mail 

No. Item




          The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2012 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




The Board was advised that no public questions had been received.


SSP Minutes pdf icon PDF 15 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes from the last Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) meeting held on 15 February 2012 were presented to the Board for information.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.


Hate Crime Awareness Raising and DVD pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which informed the Members that following the adoption of Halton’s Hate Crime Reduction Strategy in June 2011, a series of Awareness Raising Sessions had been taking place across Partner organisations. 


The Board was advised that Liverpool City Council and Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council had collaborated with Lancashire County Council and produced a DVD which they had shared across the North West region as a training resource.  This was now included as part of the raising awareness sessions taking place in Halton, and as it was real victims and their stories; it was deemed a much more effective way of showing how hate crime had such a devastating effect on people’s lives.   Members viewed the DVD which also highlighted the importance of a multi-agency approach to combatting the problems of hate crime.


A list of raising awareness sessions that had already been completed, and those planned for the future was attached as Appendix A to the report.         

Following the presentation and Members queries, the following was noted:


·         Advertising material and flyers were currently being produced by the Council and Cheshire Police for distribution in the Borough;

·         The most reported type of hate crime in the Borough was race hate;

·         Disability hate crime was under reported nationally, not just in Halton;

·         Work was being progressed within the Policy and Education teams to encourage the reporting of hate crime and bullying within schools.


On behalf of the Safer Policy and Performance Board, the Chairman offered the Board’s support to the advertising campaign and to the progression of hate crime policies in schools.




1)    the report and presentation be noted; and


2)    the Safer Policy and Performance Board supports the progression of hate crime and bullying policies in schools.




Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Update pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which gave Members an update on the progress on the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs).


The Board was advised that PCCs would be elected for four years and would be required to publish a Police and Crime Plan.  This would set out the police and crime objectives of the force area.  Chief constables would remain responsible for operational matters, although PCCs would have the authority to hire and, if necessary, dismiss the chief constable.  The PCC’s would aim to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service within the force area.


The report detailed the role of the PCCs and highlighted that they would be scrutinised by Police and Crime Panels, which would be formed of a minimum of 10 representatives from the local authorities in the force area. The duties of the Panel would include:-


·         requiring the PCC to respond to any concerns they had;

·         making recommendations on the crime plan and annual reports;

·         confirming or vetoing the PCC's appointment of chief constable and the level of local tax (the precept level).


The Board was further advised of the timetable for the Police and Crime Plan, the Candidates Briefing, Partnership working – Health and Criminal Justice Sectors, the PCC transition programme update and the preparations for the PCC and Panel in Halton. 


The Chairman announced that Councillor John Stockton had been named as the Labour Candidate for the PCC in Cheshire.  Councillor Stockton was then invited to address the Board and gave a brief explanation of the functions of the PCC once the transition from the Police Authority had taken effect on 22 November 2012.  Following Members queries he confirmed that a press strategy was being developed which would include a TV launch, and would be aimed at encouraging the public to vote on Election Day (15 November 2012).


The Chairman thanked Councillor Stockton and the Board conveyed their best wishes to him for the upcoming election.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.


Sustainable Community Strategy Year End Progress Report pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Policy and Resources, which provided information on the progress in achieving targets contained within the 2011- 2016 Sustainable Community Strategy for Halton.


The Board was advised that the Sustainable Community Strategy for Halton, and the performance measures and targets contained within it would remain central to the delivery of community outcomes. It was therefore important that progress was monitored and that Members were satisfied that adequate plans were in place to ensure that the Council and its partners achieved the improvement targets that had been agreed.


The Board was also advised that Appendix 1 to the report outlined the progress to the 2011-12 year end position which included a summary of all indicators within the new Sustainable Community Strategy and additional information for those specific indicators and targets that fell within the remit of the Board.


            It was noted that a glossary of common acronyms relating to the Safer PPB and often used within the reporting mechanisms would be sent to Members for information.        


   RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.



Performance Monitoring Reports pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director - Policy and Resources, regarding the Quarterly Monitoring Reports for the fourth quarter of 2011/12, January to March 2012.  The report detailed progress against service objectives / milestones and performance targets and described factors affecting the service for:


·         Communities Directorate – Community Safety, Drug and Alcohol Action Teams, Domestic Violence and Environmental Health (Extracts); and


·         Area Partner indicators from the Police, Fire and Probation Services are stated where available.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.




Safeguarding Unit pdf icon PDF 43 KB


             The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which outlined details relating to the establishment of a 12 month pilot for an Integrated Adults Safeguarding Unit within Halton.


   The Board was advised that the Unit would provide a hub and spoke model which was multi-agency efficient, flexible and responsive service to the local population.  The Unit would lead on adults safeguarding and dignity work across the health and social care economy.  The Board noted the unit structure and the advantages of having a new unit.


             The Board was further advised that the costs associated with the new Adults Safeguarding Unit were £284,596 per annum.  The unit would be funded 50/50 across Health and Social Care.  The 50% Health contribution (£142,298) had already been committed by NHS Merseyside/CCG.  In terms of associated Council funding, appropriate funds were already in the budget and it had therefore not been necessary to invest any additional resources to establish the Unit.


             It was reported that there were a number of issues that were in the process of being resolved as part of the establishment of the Safeguarding Unit, including:-


·         HR Processes;

·         Referral pathways;

·         Policies & Procedures;

·         IT processes;

·         Accommodation Issues;

·         Marketing & Communications; and

·         Home Office clarification (re: Priory).


It was also reported that the Unit’s Principal Manager had been appointed and work continued on the development/delivery of the implementation plan for the Unit.  Following the 12 month pilot, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Unit would take place to ensure that it provided an efficient and effective service to Health and Social Care Economy.


            The Chairman and Board agreed that this was an important issue and that they would look forward to seeing the progress made over the next year.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.






Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which updated the Members on the activities being supported across the Borough by Halton Domestic Abuse Forum (HDAF) in response to domestic abuse and sexual violence.


The Board was advised that tackling Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence was vital to building stronger, safer and healthier communities.  It was recognised that Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence could occur in many forms and could be experienced differently by different groups.  It was widely evidenced that these issues not only impacted on the victim, their families and children but also the wider community with the associated emotional and financial costs.  Therefore, as a multi-agency partnership, the aim was to tackle Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence in their widest forms and provide support to all victims within the Halton area.


The Board was further advised that the HDAF had supported the successful delivery of an extensive two week marketing and communication campaign.


It was reported that the Halton Sanctuary Scheme was an initiative which aimed to make it possible for victims of domestic violence and abuse to remain in their homes and feel safe.  The Halton Sanctuary Policy produced by the Halton Domestic Abuse Forum (HDAF) and  Housing  Partnership in association with specialist providers set out  how  victims  of  domestic violence and abuse could access the sanctuary scheme; the process and standards to enable additional security measures to be installed in the victim’s home.  In  line  with the Sanctuary Policy, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) were responsible  for  determining  and  installing  Sanctuary  features  on the properties  they  maintained.  Training sessions had been offered by HDAF to the frontline workers who would be responsible for completing Sanctuary works.  This was a partnership training event with staff from Halton Borough Council working closely with Cheshire Police and Halton Domestic Abuse Service.


It was reported that the development days had been positively received and represented a good example of partnership working and its inherent benefits. The information provided was well received and feedback of the development day had been extremely encouraging.  In addition, HDAF had committed to providing more multi-agency training days in the future relating to Sanctuary, should the need arise.


The Board noted the information set out in paragraphs 3.1- 3.9 of the report on the domestic abuse and sexual violence support services that where available in Halton and the role they played in addressing the issue.  Furthermore they expressed their support for the Sanctuary Scheme and for the good work of the Women’s Aid Refuge and agreed that tackling domestic abuse within Halton would remain a key priority.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.


Safety of Cosmetic Treatments pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which informed the Members of the current regulatory arrangements to control the safety and hygiene of cosmetic treatments in the Borough.


The Board was advised that the report focussed on cosmetic treatments that posed a risk of infection or physical injury to the client, e.g. tattooing, body piercing, Botox injections and teeth whitening.


            The report provided a brief description of each treatment and detailed the treatments and the health risks and controls associated with each of the following treatments: Tattooing; Cosmetic Piercing; Electrolysis; and Acupuncture.


It was noted that the above treatments were generally well controlled by the Authority’s Environmental Health Department when they were carried out in commercial premises, however, problems did arise when unlicensed activities where carried out in domestic homes, such as illegal tattooing.  The report went on to provide more information to Members on illegal practices within the Borough.


            The Board agreed that the information contained within this report would be valuable for all Members and suggested that it be circulated via the Information Bulletin.




1)    the report and comments raised be noted; and


2)    a summary of the report be forwarded to all Members for information.




Annual Report 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which presented the Annual Report for the Safer Policy and Performance Board for April 2011- March 2012, attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


It was reported that during 2011-12 the Board had looked in detail at many of the Safer priorities.  Further details of these were outlined within the Annual Report set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




Community Safety Review pdf icon PDF 28 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which informed the Members of the outcome from the review of Community Safety Team (CST).


The Board was advised that Halton Community Safety Team was a combined Police and Council partnership team that reported to the Safer Halton Partnership and had been traditionally funded over recent years through some mainstream funding from Police, Partners and the Council but primarily by Government grants given on a year to year basis.  The team had grown over a period of years but due to financial cuts had been slightly reduced in size during the last financial year.  The current economic climate and cessation of Government grants for 2012/13 and beyond, dictated that the team could not continue in its present format without an injection of funding to address the anticipated shortfall.


The Board was further advised that rather than simply reduce the team in size again it had been agreed to review the current and future activities and structure of the team in order to be ready for 2012-13.  The review had been led by the Police and the Council.  To help inform this review, the views of Members and other stakeholders had been sought.


It was reported that the Community Safety Review would also put us in a good position when the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is elected for Cheshire.  The PCC would be accountable for how crime was tackled in the Police Force area.


It was also reported that the survey of Members and partners identified the following priorities:


·         Safeguarding Young People;

·         Crime Reduction;

·         Reducing Anti-Social Behaviour;

·         Reducing Alcohol Harm and Disorder;

·         Reducing vulnerability of being a victim of hate crime and domestic abuse;

·         Reducing the Re-Offending rate of Repeat Offenders; and

·         Community engagement, Consultation and Participation


The review had therefore prioritised these work streams and the front line staff (e.g. PCSOs) that delivered the required outcomes.


In addition, it was reported that the funding for the team had been realigned to ensure sustainability            for financial years 2012/13 – 2013/14.  The effect of this was that some posts had been deleted (e.g. HBC administrative posts that have been held vacant), and other posts had been refocused on core activities.   Furthermore, the role of the CST Manager had been redefined and would now:-


·         Line manage a strengthened ASB service;

·         Oversee but not manage other work streams;

·         Undertake a central role in partnership working; and

·         Identify priorities and report on performance.


It was hoped that the reconfigured CST would continue to deliver the above priorities and the Board was optimistic that the PCC would recognise the efficiency of the team and provide support and funding in the future.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.



Summary of National Alcohol Strategy 2012 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which informed the Members of the key features and local implications of the new National Alcohol Strategy published March 2012.


The Board was advised that the Prime Minister had introduced the Alcohol Strategy (the full strategy could be found at ) as an undisguised ‘clamp-down’ on binge drinking which he described as accounting for half of all alcohol consumed in the UK and as being responsible for a ‘scourge of violence’.  The strategy was described as a radical change in the approach which sought to turn the tide against irresponsible drinking.  It was recognised that this would not happen overnight, however it was stated that immediate action was required as alcohol related harm costs society £21 billion annually.


The Board was referred to the Summary of the National Alcohol Strategy 2012 , found at Appendix A.  Members noted the comments on the Strategy set out in paragraphs 3.3 – 3.12.  Additionally the basis for a proposed local strategy had been developed and was attached in Appendix B, the main aims of the strategy were noted:


1.    Facilitate Behaviour and Culture Change;

2.    Enlist the support of the local communities (including the business community) to tackle our key priorities;

3.    Combine the efforts of the key partners and stakeholders to targeted help for those with greatest need; and

4.    Support frontline professionals to identify alcohol problems early, offer an intervention and be supported by a robust care pathway.


The Board agreed that this was an extremely important issue and would remain a major part of the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board’s agenda.  It was also recognised that alcohol abuse contributed to many other issues such as domestic abuse and child abuse.


On behalf of the Board the Chairman offered support to the development of a joint alcohol strategy for the Borough.




1)    the report and comments raised be noted; and


2)    the Safer Policy and Performance Board supports the development of a joint alcohol strategy for Halton.



The Tenancy Strategy and Shared Services (YOT) Update pdf icon PDF 14 KB


The Board received a verbal update on the Tenancy Strategy and the Shared Services report (YOT).


The Board was advised that Halton, Warrington and Cheshire West and Chester had agreed to a shared service for the Youth Offending Team (YOT) and that this was considered at the Executive Board on 14 June 2012.


Also, a draft strategy was nearing completion for the private rental sector and this Tenant Strategy would be presented to the Executive Board on 28 June 2012 for consideration.


RESOLVED: That the verbal update be noted.