Agenda item

Recovery Orientated, Integrated System for Substance Misuse (drugs and alcohol) in Halton


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Adults and Community which gave details on the initiation of an innovative project in which both Primary Care Trust and Local Authority Commissioners would explore the feasibility of a fully integrated, recovery orientated, substance misuse treatment system in Halton.  The system would integrate both alcohol and drugs services for adults (19 years and over) and would bring numerous benefits to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities.


In this respect, the Board also received a presentation from Collette Walsh, the Head of Alcohol Harm Reduction (PCT) relating to developing a vision for future substance misuse services in Halton.  The presentation:-


·        Outlined the purpose of the project – to commission a fully integrated recovery orientated, substance misuse treatment system in Halton.  The system would integrate both alcohol and drugs services for adults (19 years and over);


·        Set out the numerous benefits of the integrated system to some of the most vulnerable members of the communities;


·        Explained the following project phases:-


1.      Defined the ‘As is’ utilise all existing knowledge regarding the effectiveness of existing services;


2.      to vision a future ‘To Be’ state and make recommendations for improvements as part of an options appraisal.  One of the options that would be explored was a single entry point into services;


3.      procurement; and


4.      implementation;


·        highlighted the scope of the new service and the outcomes based commissioning;


·        listed the harms substance misuse could be linked to and the extent of the problem locally, regionally and nationally;


·        set out the 2009/10 data in respect of alcohol related harm;


·        outlined the key findings from the review;


·        detailed statistics on community safety issues in Halton in respect of drugs and alcohol misuse;


·        highlighted that there was an opportunity to modernise and put the service user at the centre of what is done and change relationships for providers and commissioners which would encourage accountability and innovation; and


·        set out the next steps as follows:-


        to collate the results of all consultation to date,

        present a business case for a future ROIS;

        compile the service specification;

        competitive tendering process; and

        implement the new system.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·        Clarity was sought on why the new integrated service for alcohol and drugs was only for people of 19 years and over and it was highlighted that drinking alcohol was legal at the age of 18 years of age.  It was suggested that it be reduced to 18 years of age to avoid young people developing problems.  In response, it was reported that this suggestion would be forwarded to the Children’s Commissioners for consideration;


·        The negative impact alcohol abuse on anti social behaviour, domestic violence, petty crime etc had in the community was noted;


·        the proposals for GP consortium’s and the importance of them working in partnership rather than isolation was noted; and


·        the importance and challenges of recruiting professional champions in the community was noted.




(1)                     the presentation be received;


(2)                     the comments made be noted; and


(3)                     Collette Walsh be thanked for her informative.