Agenda item

Contracted Services for Disabled Children and their Families - Waiver of Procurement Standing Orders


          The Sub-Committee considered a request to waive of Standing Orders in order to extend existing voluntary sector contracts for the provision of services to disabled children, in order to ensure continuous care and support. The Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC) Programme was launched by DCSF and DH in 2007 to transform and prioritise services for Disabled Children and their families. Most of the additional resources to implement AHDC were dedicated to increasing the provision of Short Breaks.


          Members were advised that the AHDC programme was supported with additional revenue and capital funding available in Halton for three years and this ceased in March 2011. The present Government had stated that funds to continue to deliver Short Breaks were provided within the Early Intervention Grant. However, there was less funding available than in previous years. Some of Halton’s short breaks services had been provided through Core Funds and Carers Grant, which also ceased next month.


          It was noted that Halton had commissioned Short Breaks services from a number of local and national organisations in addition to the direct provision available from Halton Borough Council which was delivered from Inglefield Residential Centre, Outreach, Family Based scheme and Children Centres. As Halton was a pathfinder for AHDC the contracts with the providers had been in place for three years. These were monitored on a quarterly basis to ensure that they met their contractual requirements and delivered quality services.


          The current contracted service providers had been delivering the services since 2007 and were well-established voluntary sector organisations with an extensive knowledge and understanding of Halton and the needs of its local community. The services provided had been reviewed to ensure desired outcomes continued to be achieved and the method of service delivery remained the most cost-effective option for the Council.


          Although the report requested an extension for a 12 period, it was intended that the newly reconfigured services would be commissioned earlier and the Council would go to the market with a view to awarding new contracts by the end of December 2011 (with a start date of 1st April 2011). This would enable a sufficient lead in period in order to facilitate the appropriate support of children and families through the transition.


          RESOLVED: That


          (1)      in light of the exceptional circumstances set out in the report, for the purpose of Standing Order 1.8.2, Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 4.1 to 4.3 be waived on this occasion in order to extend existing voluntary sector contracts for the provision of services to disabled children, in order to ensure continuous care and support; and


          (2)      the Strategic Director, Children and Young People be authorised, in conjunction with the portfolio holder for Children and Young People and Families to enter into contracts, listed in the report for one year from April 2011 to the end of March 2012 to enable the necessary consultation and full participation from young people and carers; including their involvement in the decision making processes for the awarding of contracts as required by the Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations (Paragraph 6(1) (c) Section 25 of the 2008 Act).

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