Agenda item

Halton Digital Economy and Inclusion Strategy


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources which set out the Digital Economy and Inclusion Strategy (DEIS) and supporting evidence paper which had been produced for Halton. It was also noted that consultation had taken place with stakeholders and comments incorporated. A draft Action Plan had been produced which suggested delivery vehicles and estimated costs.


         The Board was advised that the strategy targeted Next Generation Access (NGA) Broadband as a mechanism for driving economic development of social inclusion in Halton. It was reported the term “next generation access (NGA) referred to superfast broadband that was enabled by replacing current technology such as copper phone lines with new technology, such as fibre optic cable fibre and the latest fixed mobile wireless technologies. NGA, it was reported achieved speeds above 50Mbps (Megabits per second) and the network in Halton currently achieved 2 – 20Mbps.


            The Board was further advised that the four elements of the digital economy and inclusion strategy were set out in the report for information. It was noted that the new communications technologies not only helped businesses trade and develop but also created opportunities for businesses to develop new applications and services. The report also detailed the BGA Broadband Group and next steps in terms of the key milestones over the next six months.


         The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·        It was noted that the next generation NGA broadband would create opportunities for localised video conferencing;


·        It was noted that maintenance costs would decrease with the new system and the Department of Business was making available £580 available to set up next generation broadband;


·        It was noted that the information would only be quicker with appropriate equipment and clarity was sought on whether this would result in digital social exclusion for some residents in the Borough who did not have adequate IT equipment.  In response, it was reported that this was addressed in the Strategy and that consideration was being given to recycling IT equipment and renting it out at a nominal cost to increase the number of people who had access to technology.  In addition, facilities were available in the libraries throughout the Borough and basic skill courses were also available.  ;


·        It was noted that some people were not interested in using Information Technology.  It was also noted that an action plan was in the strategy which would encourage people in Halton to use the new technology and this would be widely available via UK online centres, libraries, Adult Learning – pc courses, the Volunteer Policy i.e neighbours teach each other etc;


·        It was noted that the business plan would develop the business site and the strategy if achieved would attract businesses and this would result in a reduction in the costs in Halton; and


·        The financial differences between the three scenarios set out on pages 54 and 55 of the report were noted.


            RESOLVED: That


            (1)       the Board support the Strategy; and


(2)       the Executive Board be recommended to adopt the Digital Economy and Inclusion Strategy.

Supporting documents: