Agenda item

Sustainable Community Strategy 2010 - 11 Year-end progress report


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which provided information on the progress in achieving targets contained within the Sustainable Community Strategy for Halton.


The Board was advised that the Sustainable Community Strategy for Halton, and the performance measures and targets contained within it would remain central to the delivery of community outcomes. It was therefore important that progress was monitored and that Members were satisfied that adequate plans were in place to ensure that the Council and its partners achieved the improvement targets that had been agreed.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·        It was noted that there had been a considerable reduction in NI 17 – Reduce the perceptions of anti social behaviour and credit was given to the Safer Halton Partnership for their excellent work in addressing this matter;


·        In relation to NI39 – reduce the number of alcohol related harm admissions, it was reported that a two stage competitive tender had been launched for future Tier 2 and 3 drug and alcohol services (as part of an integrated recovery service), in Halton and work to support the tender continued.  It was agreed that a report on the outcome of the tender be presented to a future meeting of the Board;


·        Page 112 – NI 47 – Reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents – it was noted that over a long period of time the overall trend for accidents in the Borough had been significantly reduces.  However, concern was raised that this would change and road accidents would increase in the future as a result of the budget cuts by the Government, particularly the Highway budget which addressed road safety matters.  After discussion, it was agreed that a letter be written on behalf of the Board to Mr Derek Twigg MP and to Mr Graham Evans MP, highlighting how the budgetary cuts had impacted on Halton’s Community Strategy and asking how they were going to address this matter;


·        The excellent work undertaken by the Safer Halton Partnership in reducing anti social behaviour and alcohol abuse in the Borough was noted.  It was also agreed that a report outlining how the Partnership will be affected by the budgetary cuts be presented to a future meeting of the Board;


·        In conjunction with Licensing, a report be presented to the Board on how safe public transport is in the Borough,  The report should include all forms of public transport, including taxis and buses; and


·        Clarity was sought on what checks were in place to address underage drinking in the Borough.  In response, it was reported that covert operations were undertaken regularly at weekends and during the week testing pubs in the Borough.  There was also a considerable amount of awareness raising undertaken in schools and enforcement in liaison with the licensing department.  However, it was reported that if information was received on a particular public house then it could be targeted and tested.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.

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