Agenda item

Adult Social Care Customer Care Report for the year 1 April 2010 to 31 Mar 2011


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which provided an analysis of complaints, compliments and other enquiries processed under The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 in order to meet statutory requirements to publish an Annual Report.


The Board was advised that the new complaints approach replaced a 3 stage process – an initial investigation and response, a detailed Stage 2 independent investigation and, where requested, a Stage 3 Review Panel hearing, to review the Stage 2 investigation.  This had been replaced by a format where, right at the start, the Customer Care Team works with the person making the complaint to agree the details of the complaint and what would resolve it. At that point, how it was to be handled and the likely timescales, taking into account complexity and complainant’s availability etc, were explored and agreed, although they could be further negotiated as required.


The Board was further advised that the new procedures allowed more flexibility, focusing on getting the right outcome rather than satisfying any defined process or timescale; which were now negotiated and agreed with the complainant. It was found through evolving experience, that this approach was more person centred and encouraged greater flexibility in approach in finding solutions to complaints (e.g. mediation).  However, it was reported that

a 2 stage approach was sometimes still appropriate, with the second stage being invoked where it became apparent that a more detailed investigation was required, which may still be investigated by an independent person, or a more complex alternative solution  explored (e.g. through detailed mediation or including other agencies).  As Stage 2 complaints were still employed, the had been reported separately in the report.


It was reported that there had been 54 Statutory Complaints closed at Stage 1 in the year, showing an increase of eight from the previous year.  Of those 54 there were four that had progressed to Stage 2. Of the 54 Statutory Social Care Complaints, 20 (37%) were upheld and 17 (31%) were partially upheld and 32% were not upheld.  The categories of these complaints were set out in the report.


         In respect of Stage 2 complaints there had been 4. One an investigation had been undertaken by an Independent Investigator with the other 3 being conducted internally by Senior Managers. Three of these Stage 2 complaints had been partially upheld and one had been completely upheld.


In addition, it was reported that the complaints system had been evaluated by asking people how satisfied they were with the way their complaint was handled. Of those who replied 82% were satisfied with both the response and outcome of their complaint compared to 65% and 55% respectively in the preceding year.


In conclusion, it was reported that compliments had been received across a broad range of service areas.  The following list were examples of some of the compliments received:-


·              “Thanks for the caring thoughtful understanding care given by team members after her discharge from hospital also their help to keep her dignity”,


·       “Thanked team for getting banister fitted 2 weeks after initial contact very happy with it don't know how they coped without it.”  ; and


·        “Words cannot describe the major impact that you have made on my journey to becoming well again….”


The Board welcomed the report and noted that there had been a small number of complaints considering the range of services the Council provided.  In addition, it was also noted that the number of complaints had also reduced in comparison to last year.


In addition, the Board noted the joint complaints protocol that had been agreed with the 5 Borough Partnership, Halton & St Helens NHS, Knowsley and St Helens Council’s and local hospital trusts on how complaints that concern more than one of the organisations would be handled and that Intermediate Care would also follow the same principles.


It was suggested that a similar report on compliments be presented to a future meeting of the Board.




(1)                     the report and comments raised be noted; and


(2)          a report on compliments be presented to a future meeting of the Board.









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