Agenda item

Community Safety Review


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which informed the Members of the terms of reference and timescale for the review of community safety.


The Board was advised that Halton Community Safety team was a combined Police and Council partnership team that reported to the Safer Halton Partnership and had been traditionally funded over recent years through some mainstream funding from Police, Partners and the Council but primarily by Government grants given on a year to year basis. The team had grown over a period of years but due to financial cuts had been slightly reduced in size during the last financial year. The current economic climate and cessation of Government grants for the next financial year dictated that the team could not continue in its present format without an injection of funding to address the anticipated shortfall.


The Board was further advised that rather than simply reduce the team in size again it had been agreed to review the current and future activities and structure of the team in order to be ready for 2012-13.  The review was being jointly led by the police and the council. The Terms of reference for the review of community were set out in Appendix 1 to the report. In addition, in order to inform the review, the views of Members and other stakeholders would be sought.


Furthermore, it was reported that it was very challenging to identify funding streams, and if they were not found, key posts would cease in March 2012.  The review would identify these posts and it was important that key pieces of work continued.  In addition, it was reported that the questionnaire  was very important as it would help to identify the key areas of work undertaken by the team.


The Chairman reported that there may be an opportunity to have a separate budget meeting next year.  He emphasised the importance of retaining the Community Safety Team and highlighted the positive impact and success the team had achieved in reducing crime, alcohol reduction and anti-social behaviour in the Borough.  He indicated that the team provided an excellent quality service and linked with all multi agencies / partner agencies and that it would be catastrophic to the Borough if the team changed or was reduced.  He asked Members to consider what could be funded via mainstream and to suggest ways of retaining the current level of service.  He requested that Members contact Paul McWade with any suggestions.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·        It was suggested that RSL’s could contribute / pay a surcharge towards the funding of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s);


·        It was noted the team worked closely with the probation service and the Youth Offending Service, supporting offenders to change their behaviour and to access training and employment opportunities;


·        the Members of the Board noted the excellent work undertaken by the team and the negative knock on effect and financial implications to the Council should the team cease in March 2012; and


·        the Members of the Board unanimously supported the continuation of the Community Safety Team and recognised the importance of retaining the service.




(1)                     The terms of reference be noted and a final report be presented to the Board when the review was complete;


(2)                     the use of the attached draft electronic questionnaire, as a means of seeking the views of stakeholders to help inform the review process be approved (; and


(3)                     the list of stakeholders set out in Appendix 3 to the report, whose comments will be sought using the online questionnaire be approved (link in (2) above).

Supporting documents: