Agenda item

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which gave Members an update in relation to the activities being supported across the Borough in response to domestic abuse and sexual violence.


The Board was advised that domestic violence was a serious and high-volume crime. It was a pattern of controlling and abusive behavior, held together by the threat and use of violence. It was reported that domestic violence was widespread, approximately every minute in England and Wales, the police received a call for assistance. In addition, one in four women and one in six men had experienced domestic violence.


The Board was further advised that domestic violence killed and at least two women were murdered by their current or former partner every week in the UK. The estimated cost of domestic violence in England and Wales in 2008 was £18 billion.  It was reported that In Cheshire there had been three homicides from 1 December 2009 to 30 November 2011 where the circumstances had been recorded as domestic violence; two female victims and one male.


Furthermore, it was reported that Halton Domestic Abuse Forum (HDAF) Strategic Group had been established to provide overall direction, control management and guidance for the response to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence within Halton. It acted as a multi-agency partnership board of lead officers and key representatives, which undertook strategic decisions aimed at tackling domestic abuse and sexual violence in their widest forms and provided support to all victims within our area. In addition, it was reported that the Forum was responsible for determining and implementing policy,

coordinating activity between agencies, and facilitating training.  It evaluated the responses locally for victims, children living in households where domestic violence was a feature and also considered provision for perpetrators.


            The report summarised that Halton had an active approach to preventing future abuse and reducing risks to victims and involved victims and survivors in service improvement.  The report highlighted that there had been a slight decrease in the number of domestic abuse incidents being reported to Cheshire Police. In addition, the Crown Prosecution Service; Pre charge cases were down by 28% on the same period last year and the number of defendants was also down on Quarter Two last year by 57%. In addition, it was reported that successful prosecutions were also considerably better than the recorded in the same period last year.


            The Board noted the success of the Halton Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Conference in support of ‘The White Ribbon Campaign’, which had been opened by Derek Twigg MP and closed by Councillor Shaun Osborne.


            The Chairman reported that the conference had been a great success and he took the opportunity to place on record the Board’s gratitude to local community groups who had actively been engaged in addressing this issue over the last few years.  He reported that the main cause of domestic abuse in Halton was as a result of alcohol abuse.  


The Board noted the number of repeat offenders (mainly because of alcohol abuse) in the Borough and the link with domestic violence incidents.  It was also noted that alcohol abuse needed to be addressed in a targeted way.


The Board also noted that males were less likely to report incidents of domestic violence than females and that this was a national issue. 


            RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.



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