Agenda item

Caring for our Future : Reforming Care and Support


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which gave the Members a summary of the White Paper ‘Caring for our Future: Reforming Care and Support’ which had been published on 11 July 2012.  The report detailed the impact this would have on Local Authorities (LAs) and partner agencies.


The Board was advised of action from the White Paper in relation to the following categories:-


·       Maintaining Independence;

·       A Better Understanding;

·       Quality;

·       Social Care Workforce; and

·       Control.


Appendix 1 to the report gave further details of the actions outlined within the White Paper along with details of the expectations/impact on Local Authorities.


The Board was also advised that people had the opportunity to comment on the Bill by 19 October 2012 either on line via the DH website or in writing to the Draft Care and Support Bill Team at the DH.  Halton would be preparing a response to the consultation and this would be presented to the Executive Board on 18 October 2012.


It was reported that Members had received a briefing on the Bill and the comments had been collated and would form part of the response.  A draft summary of the Bill had also been circulated to Members of the Board and further comments were sought.  It was also reported that amendments to the response would be made after the meeting and a draft report would be circulated to Members of the Board on Wednesday 12 September 2012 for comments.  It was highlighted that it was a very tight timescale as the report was to be considered by the Executive Board on 18 October 2012.  A further report would also be presented to the Health PPB at its meeting on 8 January 2013.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·       Page 100 – Paragraph 5.1 – bullet points – clarity was sought on the £100m and whether this was additional money or whether this would result in a loss of funding elsewhere.  Members raised concern that if it was not additional funding, but from reductions elsewhere, with the current budgetary cuts from the Government, this would have a severe impact on front line services. In response, it was reported that it was unclear whether it was additional funding and how it would be distributed etc.  In addition, it was reported that the response could ask for further clarity on this matter. 


·       Page 100 – choice about whether to have financial protection through voluntary opt-in or opt-out schemes to give protection in return for specified payments – It was suggested that finance and insurance groups would need to be considered as people would not be able to afford insurance;


·       It was noted that the Bill made assumptions on existing community facilities and with the current cuts, it was likely that many of these would cease to exist.  In addition, some community support was specific to a particular area and could not be rolled out across the Borough; and


·       It was suggested that the level of financial implications on Page 2 of the draft paper be emphasised more.


RESOLVED: That the contents of the report and comments raised be noted.

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