Agenda item

Health & Wellbeing Service


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which gave the Members an update on the work being progressed to enhance Health and Wellbeing Services across Halton.  In this respect Lisa Taylor (Health Improvement) Mark Swift (Wellbeing Enterprise CIC) and Mr Simon Banks (Halton CCG) attended the meeting to present the report.


The Board was advised that on 11 September 2012, the Board had received a report outlining the partnership working arrangements and associated agreement which had been developed in response to the government’s vision for the need to develop a new, integrated and professional public health system, which would be designed to be more effective and to give clear accountability for the improvement and protection of the public’s health.


The Board was further advised that The Partnership Agreement set out a two phased approach to implementation and the report provided Members with an update around progress in terms of Phase one of the implementation. Phase one of implementation focused on the three following areas:-


·       the development of older peoples’ services and pathways;


·       a review of falls prevention services and associated pathways; and


·       the development of the Community Wellbeing Practice model.


In addition, it was reported that attached at Appendix 1 to the report was an operational summary outlining the delivery of the CWP initiative.


Phase Two of the implementation would include the wider determinants of public health and influences on health inequalities. This development would take a ‘Life Course’ approach and work was therefore taking place across adult social care, health, children and young people’s services.


It was reported that work has already commenced on the mapping of service provision and identification of opportunities for the alignment of services and gaps in provision. In addition, it was reported that work would be progressed on the development of a ‘model’ for the future delivery of Health Improvement Services across the Borough and further update reports would be provided to the Board on the progress.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·       The positive work that had been undertaken at Windmill Hill and the Castlefields practice was noted;


·       The Board noted the Community Wellbeing Practice Summary set out in Appendix 1 of the report and the Fruit on Prescription a free six week course to learn about healthy eating and improving your wellbeing;


·       It was noted that there would be a continuation of the pilot which was running from November to March;


·       Clarity was sought on how the Prevention of Falls Topic Group was being linked with the prevention of falls work being undertaken by Bridgewater NHS trust.  In response, it was reported that they were running parallel to each other so that recommendations would address the two areas;


·       Concern was raised at the increase in falls as a result of leaves from trees and that many elderly people would not go out when leaves were falling off the trees.  It was suggested that the Community Payback Scheme could be used to address this matter; and


·       Clarity was sought on whether RSL’s had been involved in the initiative.  In response, it was reported that it was hoped that RSL’s would be engaged via the Health and Wellbeing Board and through a wider engagement,


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.

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