Agenda item

Alcohol Harm Reduction Progress Report


The Board considered a report from the Strategic Director, Communities, which informed Members of the progress to date in relation to reducing alcohol related harm and a multi-agency action plan which detailed future proposed activity.


The Board was advised that Alcohol misuse was a major source of harm in our local communities and the range of harm included alcohol related violence (including domestic violence), deliberate self-harm, suicide, crime and anti-social behaviour, short and long-term damage to physical and mental health, harm to unborn babies, child abuse including neglect and early mortality, as well as increased risk taking in sexual behaviour. It was reported that many accidental injuries and road traffic accidents had been attributable to alcohol misuse and it was also linked to negative effects on the economy and incalculable misery for individuals and families.


The Board was further advised that Halton had been identified as the 15th worst affected Local Authority Area (out of 326) in England for alcohol related harm and the 8th worst Local Authority Area in England (out of 326) for under 18 alcohol specific hospital admissions.  This it was reported, represented a significant improvement and the service was moving in the right direction.


It was reported that estimates were that in 2011/12, there had been 11,874 alcohol related admissions to hospital for Halton residents.  The main reasons for alcohol-attributable admissions were hypertensive diseases, (52% of alcohol admissions), cardiac arrhythmias (16%) and mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol (7%).


The Board noted the significant developments that had taken place and that were set out in paragraphs 4.1 – 4.9 of the report.


In conclusion, it was reported that now that there was a robust infrastructure and treatment offer in Halton for people who required support to tackle alcohol related problems, the strategic approach was focussing on prevention and early intervention.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·                It was noted that the Alcohol Harm Reduction activity was linked to night time economy and Colette Walsh and Amanda Lewis were invited to take part in the Night Time Economy Topic Group.  It was also noted that a meeting of the Topic Group would take part on 20 March 2013;


·                It was noted that a meeting had taken place in Whiston Hospital to collect the following data; when individuals had their last alcoholic drink and whether they had an injury or were there as a result of an assault.  It was also noted that the data would be monitored;


·                It was noted that various initiatives of the Safer Halton Partnership had contributed towards the reduction and A&E also had a better recording system in place;


·                Details were sought on where the hotspots had been identified by the Outreach Bus and Street Based Teams.  It was also reported that a number of residents in the Appleton area had identified hotspots and a serious accident involving two young people had also occurred and it was important that Members were aware of the hotspots in their area. In response, it was reported that this information was available in Addaction sent to Members on a regular basis;


·                It was noted that the Problem Solving Courts were no longer in operation.  It was also noted that the courts would be keen to re-establish the service if a solution could be found.  It was agreed that the Night Time Economy Topic Group would consider this issue;


·                It was noted that a significant number of licensed premises were being used to hold children’s parties.  It was suggested that consideration could be given on establishing an alcohol free bar. It was reported that The Brink in Liverpool was an alcohol free bar and also served food and it had proved to be very popular. In addition, it was suggested that Community Centres could be used for social based activities. It was agreed that the feasibility of establishing an alcohol free bar in the Borough would be considered by the Night Time Economy Topic Group


The Chairman reported that Colette Walsh was attending her last meeting of the Board.  He took the opportunity to place on record the Board’s appreciation of the work that had been undertaken by Colette during her time with the Authority.  The Chairman also welcomed Amanda Lewis to the Board indicating that she would be replacing Colette Walsh.




(1)       the report and comments raised be noted; and


(2)       the Board place on record its thanks to Colette Walsh and extend its best wishes to her for the future.






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