Agenda item

Night Time Economy Scrutiny Topic Group Update


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which presented Members with an update on the Night Time Economy Scrutiny Topic Group.  The final report, was to be presented to the next meeting of the Board.


The Vice Chairman advised the Board that the Night Time Economy Scrutiny Topic Group had its first meeting in November 2012. The Topic Group, which was chaired by Cllr Norman Plumpton-Walsh, had met four times to date (November, January, March and April.)


The Board was further advised that the a brief for the Scrutiny review had been agreed as follows:-


·       To have a better understanding of the issues relating to the night time economy in Halton, what worked well and what could be improved?


·       To examine the effectiveness of the current services that supported the night time economy, how they worked together and whether they delivered timely and effective action to address the needs of businesses and visitors to the night time economy;


·       To have an understanding of the role of partner agencies in providing a safe, well managed night time economy in Halton;


·       To consider local and national best practise in relation to the management of the night time economy;


·       To explore accreditation for the management of the night time economy in Halton, through the Purple Flag Scheme. This scheme provided recognition that town centres were well managed and acted as an indicator for a safe night out, in a similar way to the Green Flag accreditation for recognising quality parks and Blue Flags for safe and clean beaches. (It was noted that due to the costs involved and the need to widen the focus of the topic group considerably to address the Purple Flag criteria, it had been agreed not to recommend Purple Flag accreditation for Halton at this time. However it had also been recognised that as Purple Flag represented best practise, there were lessons that could be learned from auditing the night time economy against the Purple Flag criteria, which would help to inform the review.)


It was reported that the Topic Group had covered a number of topic areas including:-


·             Transport;

·             Crime and anti-social behaviour;

·             Policing;

·             Licensing and enforcement;

·             Alcohol;

·             Under age sales;

·             Planning; and

·             Street cleansing.


Furthermore, it was reported that members of the Topic Group had visited the CCTV room at Runcorn Town Hall and heard from Rev Jeremy Duff on the Street Pastor Service operating in Widnes Town Centre. The Topic Group had also heard from Warrington Borough Council, who had gained the Purple Flag accreditation for Stockton Heath. The criteria used for the Purple Flag Scheme was considered to be best practice in the management of the night time economy. The Topic Group were also using the Purple Flag criteria to audit the night time economy in Halton


In conclusion, it was reported that the Topic Group had planned a further two meetings to consider their final report and recommendations.


It was suggested that the Topic Group contact the Planning Department regarding obtaining information on the new pharmacy or the new public houses in Halton as they interconnected with the night time economy;


The Board noted the success of the use of the wrist bands in operation at Halton Stadium and requested that the topic group look at recommending the introduction of this scheme in public houses and clubs in the Borough.


The Board requested a breakdown of some of the economy that was going into Stockton Heath. 


The Board agreed that a recommendation regarding the re-instatement of the Licensing PCSO form part of the Topic Groups recommendations


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.




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