Agenda item

Quarterly Monitoring Reports


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which provided performance management information for Quarter 1 of 2013/14.


          It was reported that key priorities and development for improvement in 2013-16 were agreed by Members and included in Directorate Plans, for the various functional areas reporting to the Board as detailed below:


·       Children and Families services;

·       Learning and achievement; and

·       Children’s organisation and provision.


     Members were advised that departmental objections provided a clear statement on what services were planning to achieve and showed how they contributed to the Council’s strategic priorities. 


          Arising from the report, the following points were highlighted / noted:


·       In relation to 3.2 and the SEND reforms, a project manager had been appointed to families and young people, and would be at the centre of commissioning, assessment and planning. Government had indicated that funding would be available to help with this;


·       With regards to 3.3, School Improvement Partnerships, funding had been withdrawn for this and some of the intelligence for schools rated ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ was sparse. Schools would be visited on a regular basis in the future to collate information.  Members requested that a report be brought to a future meeting presenting the new information;


·       There were to be changes to the primary curriculum in September 2014 whereby the system of levels would be removed;


·       In relation to the amalgamation of the Bridge School and Pupil Referral Units, it was noted that Officers would work with the management team of the amalgamated PRU to ensure high quality provision was available for all excluded pupils from September 2013;


·       The current anticipated demand for extended free entitlement of nursery places for 2 year olds was 493 and there was a current supply of 586; and


·       The Board discussed the impact of the Academy and Free Schools with regards to whether schools ‘bought back’ services from Halton, in addition to action taken if those schools failed.


          The Board was advised of the provisional education attainment results for 2013.  It was noted that these figures had not yet been verified.


·       Reading at Key Stage 2 at level 4+ was 86% (the national average was 87%)

·       Writing at Key Stage 2 at level 4+ was 86% (the national average was 81%

·       Maths at Key Stage 2 at level 4+ was 86% (the national average was 84%)

·       At Key Stage 4 62% of pupils achieved 5 x GSCE’s graded A*-C in English and Maths, this was an improvement on last year which was 59%;

·       86.9% of pupils achieved 5 A*-C’s in all subjects; and

·       23% of pupils achieved the English Baccalaureate.


          Arising from discussion of the information Members noted the success of pupils from Ormiston Bollinbroke and asked for comparisons of the cohort from 5 years ago in terms of where pupils lived. In response it was noted that this piece of work could be investigated.


          The Board wished to place on record its congratulations to pupils in Halton for their academic achievements.


RESOLVED: the Quarter 1 monitoring reports and comments made be noted.


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