Agenda item

Draft Night Time Economy Scrutiny Review Report & Recommendations


The Chairman vacated the Chair to allow the Vice Chairman to present the findings of the Topic Group


Councillor N Plumpton Walsh

Vice Chairman of the Board

(in the chair)


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which presented the Members with the draft Scrutiny Review of the Night

Time Economy Report and recommendations.


The Board was advised that the report, attached as Appendix 1, was commissioned by the Board.  A scrutiny review working group had been established with seven Members from the Board, Operational Director, Community Safety Manager, Commissioning Manager and  Principal Policy Officer.


The Board was further advised that the report had been commissioned because the night time economy brought many positive benefits to the borough, from job creation, spending in the local economy and provision of a diverse range of activities for local people, including restaurants, arts centre, ice rink, cinemas, etc.  However, to continue the development of the thriving night time economy, it was important that it was accessible, safe, clean, well-managed and offered a range of activities to suit residents across a wide age range and attract visitors to the Borough.


The Board noted the recommendations set out in paragraph 5 of the report.


The Vice Chairman reported that it had been a good review and thanked all the Officers and Members who had taken part for their excellent work.  He reported that due to budgetary restraints he would highlight the key priorities within the recommendations in the report and sought agreement for the report’s recommendations, with the priorities highlighted to be presented to the Executive Board for approval.


The following priorities were highlighted and agreed by Members:-


1             Area Forums be consulted re the possibility of funding a pilot radio scheme for taxi operators in Halton;


2             Whilst Members recognise that it cannot be an enforceable condition through licensing, Members are keen for establishments to be encouraged to participate in the Pub Watch Scheme, which is recognised as best practice;


3             Investigate the possibility of developing a mandatory Code of Conduct for licensed premises;


4             Look to introduce an alcohol free bar in Halton;


5             The NTE Scrutiny Group recognise that we need to build on the existing partnership approach, but we also need to investigate potential ways to get local landlords and businesses on board to bring about change.  A possible example is for landlords who are often best placed to identify vulnerable people who regularly drink to excess working with health care teams to help signpost individuals to services where appropriate;


6             Look to extend the wrist band scheme (used to identify over 18’s, following age checks) at the Stadium to other establishments;


7             The Council is currently exploring the opportunity of a scheme to enforce Fixed Penalty Notices.  As yet no decision has been made;


8             Investigate the possibility of working with food establishments in town centres and colour coding packaging from each business establishment, so that we can identify where the litter is from;


9             Investigate options to provide additional CCTV monitoring capability at peak times, possibly by using police officers on restricted duties.  Other options may be possible but require further consideration due to Data Protection and cost issues



Councillor S Osborne

Chairman of the Board

(In the Chair)


The Chairman congratulated everyone who had taken part in the review and indicated how important it was as it had an effect on waste, waste enforcement, domestic violence and alcohol abuse. 


The Board supported all the recommendations in the report and the priorities highlighted above and that they be presented to the Executive Board for approval.





Supporting documents: