Agenda item

Children in Care and Care Leavers


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, which provided information about the current children in care population and the outcomes for children in care and care leavers. It was noted that as Corporate Parents it was important that all members had an understanding of the needs of children in the care of Halton, and exercised their role in supporting them and advocating for them in all areas as parents did for their own children.


          It was reported that the aim was to strive to keep children within their families where it was consistent within their welfare. However, where this was not possible and the level of risk of harm to a child was significant and increasing despite support, the Local Authority had a duty under the Children Act 1989 to safeguard their welfare.


          It was reported that children could come into care for a variety of reasons and for varying periods of time. It was noted that this could be a voluntary agreement with the parents under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989, where the parents maintained their legal parental responsibility for the child.


          The report further set out the current profile of children in care. It was noted that a total of 187 children were in care, which was an increase from 134 at October 2012.  Detailed in the report was the population of children in care in terms of gender and age groups. Members were advised that the average length of time in care was 2.6 years which was a reduction from 4.07 previously. For placement stability, where a child was in care for longer than 2.5 years or had been in the same placement for two years or longer, 89% of children had been in stable placements, which was a significant increase from 78% in the previous two years.


          Members were further advised of care leavers who were in care. The figure was currently 67, and the report set out the varying duties that supported them under the Leaving Care Act. The report also set out recent activities carried out in relation to Pledge to Children in Care and production of a “Moving On” booklet which was produced for young people before they left care so they were aware of the duties towards them and the support available.


          It was noted that the Virtual Head Teacher, had recently presented the annual report which outlined the progress that children in care were making in terms of the education and outcomes.  Members requested that this be brought to a future meeting.


          The Board recognised the population was changing in terms of age of children in care. The number of children aged 15+ had increased causing different challenges for carers.  Members discussed children placed in care from other authorities and requested figures be circulated. In response it was noted that it was now the duty of the care provider, to inform Halton Council if they had young people in their care, therefore a more accurate figure could be obtained.


          Members further discussed other family members caring for young people and financial support provided.  The Board queried how many family placements there were currently in the Borough.  In response it was noted that this information would be circulated.


          RESOLVED: That


(1)  the contents of the report and comments made be noted; and


(2)  the report of the Virtual Head Teacher on the educational outcomes for 2012/13 for children in care be presented to Members.

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