Agenda item

Proposed Anti Social Behaviour Reforms


The Board received a presentation from Mike Andrews, Community Safety Team on the National Community Safety Network proposed anti-social behaviour reforms.  The presentation:-


·             Highlighted that reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB) was a priority – there had been approximately 3 million incidents of ASB reported every year; 1 in 7 people think there are high levels of ASB in their area; in 2011, practitioners and victims wee asked for their views and in May 2012, the White Paper “Putting Victims First: More Effective Responses to Anti-social Behaviour”;


·             Gave details of the content of the White Paper;


·             Outlined the streamlined toolkit for dealing with anti-social behaviour;


·             Set out how problem individuals and environmental ASB would be addressed;


·             Detailed the Police Powers to disperse and mandatory possession;


·             Explained how communities and victims would be empowered; and


·             Outlined the next steps – legislation would be introduced at the first opportunity; current powers would remain in force for the time being and practitioners should still use them where they offer the best available means of protecting victims and communities.


The Board also received a verbal overview on the pilot Perpetrator Scheme from Mr Gareth Merger, Self Help Services.  Mr Merger reported that the pilot scheme was in partnership with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in respect of interventions for male perpetrators of domestic violence.


The Board was advised that there was a lot of support locally for female victims and criminal justice male perpetrators but not a lot of rehabilitation was taking place.  The Domestic Violence Programme was a 26 week group course for a maximum of 12 males.  They would learn about violence and control and male privilege was used in relationships to change their behaviour and stop domestic violence.  Additional support for their partners whilst they were on the course was also provided.


The following comments arose from the overview of the Pilot Perpetrator Programme:-


·             the Board noted Clare’s Law, a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, which had been introduced in England and Wales this week to allow people to find out from the Police if their partner had a history of domestic violence.  The Board suggested that this be incorporated into the course. 


·             Clarity was sought on whether course participants entered the course as part of a Criminal Order.  In response, it was reported that the pilot was a community service based model, where some participants could be on an order, but ideally they would be volunteers who had identified that they had a problem with domestic violence, accepted it and wished to change their behaviour;


·             The Board also noted that the course maybe operating from the Bridges Learning Centre initially as it was close to public transport and was also being given to a venue in Widnes depending on where the referrals came from.   Clarity was sought on whether anything was in place after the course had been completed and whether individuals completed the course more than once.  In reply, it was reported that safeguards were in place for their partners via Women’s Services.  It was also reported that the pilot had as yet commenced and it would not be known whether the model was suitable or not until the first course had been completed.  After completion of the first course, work would take place with the CCG to consider commissioning other groups.


The Chairman reported that a Working Group had been established to consider this issue and requested that Mr Merger and Councillor N. Plumpton-Walsh, the Lead Councillor on the Working Group work together to address this issue.


In respect of the presentation on the Anti-Social Behaviour Reforms, the Board noted and discussed the implications of the powers of the Section 30 Dispersal Order and the Section 27 Direction to Leave Order.  The Board also noted that further guidance and detail was required on the new powers.




(1)        The presentation be received and the comments raised be noted; and


(2)        Mr Mike Andrews be thanked for his informative presentation.

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