Agenda item

Committee Minutes


The Council considered the reports of the following Committees in the period since the meeting of Council on 4 February 2015:-


·       Development Control;

·       Regulatory;

·       Appeals Panel;

·       Standards;

·       Mayoral; and

·       Appointments.


In considering the minutes, the following observations were made:-


·       In moving the minutes of the Appeals Panel, Councillor Wainwright wished to place on record his thanks to Councillor Angela McInerney for her work as Vice Chair of the Panel, and to Kath Lunt, Housing Benefit Officer, for her work in presenting the increased number of appeals for Discretionary Housing Payment;


·       In moving the Minutes of the Mayoral Committee, The Mayor, Councillor Shaun Osborne, wished to place on record his congratulations to Councillor Ellen Cargill on her appointment as Mayor-elect and Councillor Ged Philbin on his appointment as Deputy Mayor-elect and wished them a successful year ahead; and


·       In moving the minutes of the Standards Committee, Councillor Peter Lloyd Jones wished to place on record his thanks to all Elected Members, Co-optees and Independent Persons on the Standards Committee for their support.

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