Agenda item

- 16/00451/FUL - Proposed demolition of the Halton Arms Public House and Linnets Clubhouse and the construction of a mixed use development comprising a foodstore (use Class A1); a retail terrace comprising up to three units (Use class A1 / A2 / A3 / D1); a family pub restaurant (Use Class A4) with ancillary Manager's accommodation; a new clubhouse (Use Class D2); and associated car parking, access, landscaping and servicing on land off Murdishaw Avenue and Stockham Lane, Runcorn, Cheshire


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Officers advised that since the publication of the agenda and update list, one further representation had been received.  It stated that an additional Aldi store was not required and raised concerns over increased congestion and the ability to turn right out of Sutton Park.  Also reported were an additional 5 postcard style representations received from the publicity undertaken by Aldi, which were in support of the proposal.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Marquis-Davies, a local resident of Sutton Park who did not object to Aldi being built but had concerns relating to:


·       Noise during the build and after from late night shoppers for example;

·       Noise from the public house late at night and during summer;

·       Increased volume of traffic and noise;

·       Residents opposite the road would be most affected – would the applicant pay for triple glazing on their properties;

·       The addition of a path adjacent to the road; this will be noisy;

·       Pedestrians will be unsafe crossing a busy road;

·       Northwich Road was a problem now and this would be exacerbated by the development; Saltwood Drive was a problem also;

·       Traffic lights should operate at the junctions which would reduce the speed of traffic coming from the roundabout; and

·       ASB would be encouraged on a development of this type.


George Brown from Aldi then addressed the Committee and explained that the development included – a quality new clubhouse for the Linnets Football Club, a Marston’s Public House which was a respectable family oriented outlet; A Subway Shop and Vets for Pets outlet.  He also made the following comments:


·       He confirmed that the Aldi branch on Trident Park was not closing;

·       The scheme would create approximately 100 jobs between the outlets for the local population;

·       They would be adding 50 trees on the site;

·       Improvements to highways would be made – including the widening of the road; alterations to road markings and the inclusion of a pedestrian crossing;

·       A noise impact assessment had been carried out with no adverse impact on nearby properties being reported; and

·       The Aldi deliveries would be made on the east side of the site, away from residents thus minimising the potential for noise disturbance.


He finalised by saying that the development complied with the necessary planning policies.


Following Members’ debate and queries Officers explained the details of the work carried out in the noise impact assessment and added that the Council’s Environmental Health Officer had no objections.


In response to the footpath adjacent to the road, Officers advised that this had been removed from the plans and went on to explain the highway improvements, as discussed in the published AB Update List.


With regards to the residents request for triple glazing it was confirmed that the results of the noise impact assessment were that this would not be required.


Further to Members’ queries it was confirmed that the Committee could stipulate the hours of trading for the public house but licencing matters were the business of the Regulatory Committee. 


A discussion on the three different car parks on the site took place, and concerns were raised regarding the potential for confusion for customers, particularly with the Aldi car park operating a ANPR system and restricting parking to 90 minutes.  Officers confirmed that there were 200 spaces for the Linnets Football Club car park and this would allow parking for up to 3 hours.  Any deviation from this arrangement and the applicant would have to submit a request to Planning.


After taking the Officer’s report and updates into consideration and hearing the representations made, the Committee agreed to approve the application.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed below:


Conditions applicable to all Development Plots


1)    Time limit – full permission;

2)    Construction hours (BE1);

3)    Foul water – (PR16);

4)    Ecological Mitigation Strategy – tree mounted bat box (GE21);

5)    Ecological Mitigation Strategy – bird nesting boxes (GE21);

6)    Breeding birds protection(GE21);

7)    Tree protection (GE21);

8)    Pre Commencement inspection of site for badgers (GE21); and

9)    Waste audit (WM8).


Conditions – Development Plot 1 – New Clubhouse


1)    Approved plans;

2)    Facing materials (BE1);

3)    Hard landscaping and boundary treatments (BE1);

4)    Soft landscaping (BE1);

5)    Construction Management Plan (BE1);

6)    Design of parking and servicing and implementation (BE1);

7)    Scheme detailing formalised link to the adjacent development (BE1);

8)    Cycle parking (BE1);

9)    Car parking management plan (BE1);

10) Site levels (BE1);

11) Surface water drainage strategy (PR16);

12) Drainage management plan (PR16);

13) Ground contamination – assessment, remediation and validation (PR14); and

14) Lighting scheme (PR4).


Conditions – Development Plot 2 – Foodstore and Retail Parade


1)    Approved plans;

2)    Facing materials (B1);

3)    Hard landscaping and boundary treatments (BE1);

4)    Soft landscaping (BE1);

5)    Construction Management Plan (BE1);

6)    Implementation of parking and servicing (BE1);

7)    Off-site highways works (BE1);

8)    Cycle parking (BE1);

9)    Car parking management plan (BE1);

10) Site levels (BE1);

11) Surface water drainage strategy (PR16);

12) Drainage management plan (PR16);

13) Ground contamination – validation (PR14); and

14) Lighting scheme (PR4).


Conditions – Development Plot 3 – Family Pub Restaurant


1)    Approved plans;

2)    Facing materials (BE1);

3)    Hard landscaping and boundary treatments (BE1);

4)    Soft landscaping (BE1);

5)    Construction management plan (BE1);

6)    Implementation of parking and servicing (BE1);

7)    Off-site highway works (BE1);

8)    Cycle parking (BE1);

9)    Car parking management plan (BE1);

10) Site levels (BE1);

11) Surface water drainage strategy (PR16);

12) Drainage management plan (PR16);

13) Ground contamination – validation (PR14);

14) Noise mitigation measures (PR2);

15) Electric vehicle charging points first fix (CS19); and

16) Lighting scheme (PR4).