Agenda item

- 18/00567/FULEIA - Proposed demolition of existing workshop, lean-to-shed and picking line enclosure, and the erection of 2 no. buildings to provide for the storage and sorting of waste together with external storage bays and ancillary infrastructure including substation, water tanks and weighbridge to provide operational improvements, environmental control and an increase in waste accepted from an existing 300,000 tonnes to 450,000 tonnes per annum at WSR Recyling Ltd, ditton Road, Widnes


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


The Committee was advised that since the report had been published a further objection had been received objecting to the application and raised concerns about odour being carried by wind; the site attracting flies and seagulls; lorries being backed up on Ditton Road; air quality; the site’s proximity to residential area and cafes; and that the site should be shut down.  Michael Gove MP had been sent a copy of the objection.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Glynn, a local resident who objected to the application.  He argued that the local population had no control over this site and were subjected to many nuisances – air pollution; traffic density from HGV’s from this site and other surrounding companies; smells being emitted; flies and seagulls were attracted by the thousands; local companies including food outlets were in close proximity to the site; Moor Lane housing estate was close to the site where the residents already suffered plagues of flies and have to use fly traps in their homes.


He concluded by suggesting that there would be a further increase in traffic when the Silver Jubilee Bridge reopened and advised the Committee that three fires had occurred in the past at similar sites.  Mr Glynn objected to the location of the site for the reasons stated above, rather than the company operating it.


Members were then addressed by Mr Lawman, who spoke on behalf of the applicant.  He advised that the proposed new buildings would better manage emissions from the site due to the improvements made to doors, odour controls and the use of an airtight exchange system.   He also advised that boundary treatments were proposed to the front and rear of the site which would help with screening it from view and minimising noise levels.


Members queried how the site would be monitored, should the application be approved, and was there any recourse should the odour situation not be improved, as assured by the applicant with the development of the two new buildings.  In response it was reported that that monitoring of the site would be the responsibility of the Environment Agency who had the power to deal with this if the Environmental Permit conditions were breached.  Members requested an additional condition in relation to the operation of the Building (TFS4).


Members agreed that the application be approved, subject to the conditions listed below.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to conditions relating to the following:


1.     Standard 3 year timescale for commencement of development;

2.     Specifying approved and amended plans;

3.     Grampian style condition relating to off-site highway works to facilitate parking provision and curb re-alignment (TP12);

4.     Condition requiring a construction phasing plan – with works to be enabled to be carried out in any order (BE1);

5.     Condition requiring submission and agreement of a Construction Environmental Management Plan as outlined in the submitted ES (BE1 and MW1);

6.     Materials condition(s), requiring submission and agreement of building external finishing materials (BE2);

7.     Condition requiring landscaping scheme (BE1, BE3 and MW1);

8.     Condition requiring boundary treatments for north and south of the site (BE22);

9.     Condition requiring treatment of the ground level enclosure to stack, fan; and carbon absorber; to the south of building TFS4, as shown on drawing 183131/WTS/OI/004 A (BE2);

10. Condition requiring vehicle access, parking, servicing etc, to be constructed prior to occupation of properties/commencement of use (BE1);

11. Condition requiring submission and agreement of cycle parking details (TP6);

12. Condition restricting waste throughput to 450,000 tonnes per annum (BE1 and MW1);

13. Condition restricting surface water run-off onto the adopted highway (TP17);

14. A condition requiring a site investigation scheme, remediation and verification plan (PR14);

15. No piling or other foundation design using penetrative methods unless demonstrated that the is no resultant unacceptable risk to groundwater (PR14);

16. Condition(s) restricting external storage locations, height, processing (BE1, PR16 and MW1);

17. Condition relating to/requiring submission and agreement of a sustainable drainage scheme (BE1 and PR5);

18. Submission and agreement of Site Waste Management Plan (WM8);

19. Submission of a Bird Hazard Management Plan (MW1);

20. Submission and agreement of a lighting scheme (BE1);

21. Submission and agreement of site and finished floor levels (BE1);

22. There shall be no external storage other than that as approved on drawing 183131/WTS/PL/004 A;

23. The materials stored in the external storage bays and area as shown on drawing 183131/WTS/PL/004 A, shall be stacked no higher than 4m (BE1 and MW1);

24. No materials, waste or otherwise shall be burnt on site (BE1 and MW1); and

25. Conditions relating to the operation of the building (TFS4).