Agenda item

Selection of Company to Provide Tourism Kiosks


The Sub-committee received a report of the Strategic Director – Environment which set out the way in which a list was derived for the supply of Kiosks of the provision of tourist and other travel information at main transport interchanges within the Borough.


The Sub-committee was advised that the report had been brought under Section 3.2 of the Procurement Standing Orders; less than three quotations for goods or services should be reported through the Executive Board Sub-Committee for approval.


Members were advised that a proposal was approved in the 2008/09 Capital Programme to spend up to £50,000 for the provision of tourism kiosks at main transport interchanges. This figure was based upon the known facts at the time regarding costs and installation charges.


It was noted that the current provision of electronic tourism information was via a system provided through The Mersey Partnership. MERVIN (MERseyside Visitor Information Network) provided the information for web sites and database driven kiosks across the Merseyside region. To enable the kiosks in Halton to benefit from the information already captured within MERVIN the provider of the system was approached to identify companies already using the database as a direct source of information.


From the information provided, only two companies were able to supply kiosk solutions. These companies were asked to attend meetings to discuss the requirements of the Halton provision and invited to submit quotations. The results of the quotations supplied were outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.


Members were advised that it was proposed to use Contractor A to provide, install and maintain kiosks in this particular instance. The reasons for this was one of cost per kiosk, information provided within the kiosk for users and the maintenance prospectus provided by the company concerned.


In addition, it was noted that this company had a track record in the use of the MERVIN system for information provision. They also had in place licences for use of other information which would be provided on the kiosks at no further cost to Halton Borough Council. This included Journeyplanner, BBC Newsfeed, Local Area Maps in addition to features such as free e-postcards or video to e-mail services.


Members were advised that the proposed location of the kiosks was originally Runcorn Mainline Railway Station with the possible provision dependent upon costs in Widnes Railway Station. The agreement of Virgin Trains had been secured in the provision in Runcorn. However, Northern Rail, the operations of Widnes Railway Station, had suggested that due to passenger traffic, staff availability and opening times that Hough Green Station would be a better proposal.


RESOLVED: That the Operational Director – Economic Regeneration be authorised to award the contract for the supply, maintenance and installation to contractor A in the sum of less than £50,000 and that in light of the exceptional circumstances, namely the need to utilise data already contained in The Mersey Partnership Mervin Database and in accordance with Procurement Standing Order 1.6, Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.10 be waived on this occasion in view of there being a limited number of suppliers in that the data will need to be uploaded by a supplier already working with the data holder.

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