Agenda item

Corporate Security Contract


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which notified Members of the intention to go out to tender with regards to procuring a new corporate security contract in line with the Council’s procurement strategy. There were currently two security contracts in place, the smaller one of which would require a short extension granting in order to bring it in line with the timescales of the larger contract, as such a waiver of standing orders was requested in respect of this process.


The Committee was advised that there were two main security contracts in place. The larger contract which related to buildings was procured via Property Services and expired on 31st May 2009. The current service provider for this contract were Select Security who took over the contract when they bought out Druants in November 2008. The second security contract which related to parks and the operation of playing fields was procured via Leisure Services. This was due to expire on 31st March 2009 the current service providers for this contract were Athena Global.


As the existing contracts expire at different times it was necessary to extend the smaller contract in order to bring it in line with the timescales of the larger contract.


Members were advised that the new corporate contract would bring the services currently being provided under the two separate contracts together, in addition, to which it would also allow for other departments to purchase any necessary future security provision that may be required during the life of the contract.


It was further noted that it was intended to have the new contract in place for 1st June 2009 and it was envisaged that the new contract would be set up for a three year period with the possibility of a one year extension subject to satisfactory performance, ensuring the maximum timeframe was four years, in line with EU procurement rules.


Members were advised that the likely value of the contract over the three-year period would be in the region of £2.5m. Whilst this was above the EU procurement thresholds, security services were exempt from the full EU procurement process and, as such, the contract did not have to be advertised under OJEU notice.


Athena Global had been contacted and they had agreed to continue delivering the existing services in line with their contract until such time as the new contract was in place.


Funding for the contract came from a variety of sources and would be contained within existing budgets.


Members queried what the contract included.  In response it was noted that it included the security provision for all parks and that the contract tender would be advertised in the wider North West area rather than just locally.


          It was further confirmed that Councillor Wharton would oversee the procurement from the Members side and that the item would come back to the Executive Board Sub Committee for approval once the process was complete.




1)    in line with Procurement Standing Order 1.6 the Executive Board Sub Committee waive Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 in order to allow for the Operational Director Culture and Leisure Services to grant an extension to the existing security contract with Athena Global from 1st April 2009 until such time as the new contract was in place, which was envisaged to be 1st June 2009; and


2)    the intention to procure a new corporate security contract in line with the procurement strategy be noted.                                   


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