Agenda item

Culture & Leisure Scale of Charges


The Sub Committee received a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which set out the proposed administration charges for 2009/10 for the Council Libraries, The Kingsway Learning Centre, Leisure Centres, Parks and Playing Pitches, Community Centres, Bereavement Services, Registration Services and the Brindley Arts Centre.


Members were advised that no major changes were proposed in the structure of charges for 2009/10. The levels of charges had been set as part of the Council’s response in setting an overall budget. Charges had generally followed the corporate guidelines for a 3% rise across the board.


It was noted that the Brindley had proposed increases of 11% for commercial hirers Monday to Thursday in order to decrease the differential between weekend hire charges. It was also proposed to show the charge for rehearsals as an all-inclusive rate to reflect staffing costs that were previously charged separately.


The proposed charges for the new athletics facility were tabled at the meeting for the Board’s consideration and the proposed charges for 2009/10 were attached to the report as an appendix.   It was noted that the charges for the hire of the athletics track were set at a level that reflects the costs associated with operating and maintaining the facility.


RESOLVED: That the charges, as proposed be approved.


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