Register of interests

Councillor John Stockton

I Councillor John Stockton a Member of Halton Borough Council give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Councillor Partner
I am a Councillor on Halton BC and I represent the Council on the LCR Combined Authority Transport Committee. I receive an allowance for both these positions. My wife is retired.
2. Sponsorship
Councillor Partner
3. Contracts
Councillor Partner
4. Land
Councillor Partner
79, Castleview House -
East Lane -
Runcorn -
WA7 2DP -
5. Licences
Councillor Partner
6. Corporate Tenancies
Councillor Partner
7. Securities
Councillor Partner
8. Other Disclosable Interests
The Labour Party
Murdishaw Community Centre
Governor, St Martin's Catholic Primary School
Governor, Castle View Primary School
Governor, Murdishaw West Community Primary School
Halton Brook Residents Association
UNITE the Union
Action Aid
Lancashire County Cricket Club
Lymm LTC
9. To the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is complete and correct
Councillor Date
J R Stockton 9 May 2018; 8 May 2021
10. This declaration has been registed by me, the Monitoring Officer
Monitoring Officer Date
Mark Reaney 14 May 2018; 18 May 2021