Issue - meetings

Closure of Windmill Hill Medical Centre

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 9)

9 Closure of Windmill Hill Medical Centre pdf icon PDF 250 KB


The Policy and Performance Board was presented with the reasons for the closure of Windmill Hill Medical Centre and the actions taken.  The report was presented by Leigh Thompson – Director of Commissioning, NHS Halton CCG.


It was reported that in March 2017 NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group’s (HCCG) Governing Body took the decision to close down Windmill Medical Centre on 31 March 2017, and to disperse the list.  This followed the earlier decision to close the Windmill Hill branch surgery based in Widnes.  It was noted that the practice was originally developed as part of the Equitable Access to Primary Care Programme and was being run by Liverpool Community Health (LHC), under a time limited Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contract.  Due to an organisational restructure at LCH there was no opportunity to extend the contract beyond its expiry date of 31 March 2017.


Members were advised that despite the decision to re-procure a GP practice at Windmill Hill, the CCG and Primary Care Team were unsuccessful in securing a new provider to take over the practice, despite extensive efforts and advertising both nationally and locally.   This resulted in the CCG being left with no option other than to close the practice. 


The report went on to discuss how the transfer of patients to alternative practices was managed using a Communication Handling Plan; setting a media protocol; and working with external stakeholders.  


The Board was advised that the transfer of patients was a success with no problems reported.  Mrs Thompson wished to convey her thanks, on behalf of the CCG, to the residents of Windmill Hill and others affected, as they had completely embraced the changes, which contributed to the success of this process.


The Board welcomed the report and the positive outcome for residents of Windmill Hill.


RESOLVED:  That the Board noted the actions taken.