Additional documents:
The Board received the Annual Report – Comments, Complaints and Compliments, relating to Children’s Social Care Services from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
The Annual Report, a statutory requirement, provided an analysis of complaints processed under the Children’s Act 1989 Representation’s Procedure and evidenced how feedback from service users had been used to improve delivery. A summary of complaints received during the 2023-24 period was provided on page 60 of the agenda.
The report also provided Members with an update and feedback on compliments made by clients and positive feedback from workers / professionals relating to Children’s Services in the Directorate. The report demonstrated the positive impact and outcomes on the lives of people accessing services in this Directorate.
In response to a question regarding the turnover of social workers, this could be for many reasons such as promotions, some retiring and some leaving the profession, so there was always movement within this area. Halton was however, still committed to its Retention Strategy, as discussed in previous meetings.
RESOLVED: That the reports presented are accepted as the mechanism by which Elected Members can monitor and scrutinise Children’s Social Care complaints and compliments.