23 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Plan Update PDF 228 KB
The Board considered a report from the Executive Director, Children’s Services, which provided an update on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Plan, in particular the progress made against the targets set out in the Delivering Better Values (DBV) Grant.
DBV is a Department for Education (DfE) Programme working to identify and implement local opportunities to improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND across 54 local authorities and aid local systems in their objective of achieving financial sustainability. Halton was identified as being eligible to apply for DBV grant funding and was awarded £1m, to primarily build resilience across all educational systems to support and include learners with social, emotional, and mental health needs. This additional funding presented a significant opportunity to positively transform inclusive practices across Halton.
The report described in detail the various projects and initiatives being delivered in Halton’s schools under the DBV and the costs associated with these to date.
It was reported that Halton was taking a different approach to other local authorities in that it was using an innovative approach and targeting the funding into the schools themselves. This was being closely monitored by the Department for Education who were happy with this. All school settings were included in the Programme and positive responses had been received, after receiving feedback from many headteachers.
Further to questions, it was commented that the impacts of the program would follow, but long term impacts were expected. The data collated was analysed by Halton analysts’. The Team around the School also worked with the Programme, which added prevention and inclusion measures. It was also commented that an exit strategy was included in the Programme, as this was a requirement of the grant.
RESOLVED: That the report and comments made be noted.