Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 2


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources regarding the Quarter Monitoring Reports for the second quarter of 2012/13 to June 2012. The report detailed progress against service objectives / milestones and performance targets and described factors affecting the service for:


·              Prevention and Assessment; and


·              Commissioning & Complex Care.


The Board was advised that after consultation with Members, and in line with the revised Council’s Performance Framework for 2012/13 (approved by the Executive Board), the reports had been simplified with an overview report provided for the Health Priority.  This identified key developments, emerging issues and the key objectives / milestones and performance indicators.  However, the full departmental quarterly reports were available in the Members Information Bulletin to allow Members to access the reports as soon as they were available and within six weeks of the quarter end.  The Departmental quarterly monitoring reports were also available via the link in the report.


          It was reported that on Page 28 – PA 18 – Repeat incidents of domestic violence should have been recorded as a question mark.


  The Board was further advised that a number of questions had been submitted prior to the meeting.  The questions and responses were as follows:-


1.          Page 18, Commissioning and complex care services: It states that a new Mental Health Strategic Commissioning Board has been set up. It is also going to be supported by a Mental Health Partnership Board? When is this Partnership Board likely to be operating considering that the PCT Mental Health Partnership Board ceased to do business if I recall in early 2012.




It is now being decided to combine the roles of Commissioning Board and Partnership Board so that all major decisions will involve service users and carers and other partners (e.g. the 5Boroughs NHS Foundation Trust). This meeting is the Mental Health Strategic Board meeting and the next meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, 14 January, 2013.


2.          Page 19, Safe around Town: The scheme will offer telephone facilities to vulnerable people who are in trouble or distress around town. What does this entail?




There has never been any intention and/or discussions about making the Safe in Town scheme available via telephone facilities.   The way the scheme works is that when a person registers, they are given a small laminated card that has on it a dedicated phone number of a family member or carer – it is up to the individual and those supporting them to decide what number to use.  When the individual is out and about and feels unsafe, they walk into one of the shops displaying the Safe in Town logo sticker.  The staff within those premises know to ask for the card and ring the person who’s number is on it – to come and collect the individual concerned.


3.     Page 20, Mental Health Services: Section 136 of the Mental Health Act is applied when a member of the public may be a danger to themselves or other people. It concerns me when police say there has been an increase in the number of detentions, that changes in police practice, have meant that there are operational difficulties arising from this. I am extremely worried by these statements, as surely the police have a duty to protect all citizens, and people who are sectioned under the 136 (MHA) are in a very unstable frame of mind so it is imperative that they are taken to a place of safety as quick as possible. What are the options Cheshire Police are looking at to resolve this situation?




In the North West region all authorities are reporting the same issues.  The solution is to get an agreed and refreshed policy and procedure, which all partners are signed up to. This is not as simple as it seems: Cheshire police are keen to have a single agreed process across the whole county, as they cover four local authority areas and at least three NHS Mental health Trusts, and they want their officers to work to a consistent approach. However the 5Boroughs – which is the Trust which covers Warrington and Halton – covers five local authority areas (three of which are not covered by Cheshire police) and three police forces, each of which also want their own policy. The 5Boroughs is keen to have a single unified policy to ensure that its own staff operate to a consistent policy.


Cheshire police have initiated a series of meetings at very senior level – chaired by an Assistant Chief Constable, and involving the four local authorities, all the CCGs and all the Mental Health Trusts – so it is clear that they are both taking the matter seriously and wanting to develop a partnership approach.


Similar work is going on in at least two other parts of the region – Cumbria and Greater Manchester – and we are also looking at developing a workshop to see if a regional approach can be developed.


        The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·       Page 25 – CCC 11 – clarity was sought on when the action plan would be completed.  In response, it was reported that an action plan had been put in place to ensure the target was met by the end of March.  In addition, it was reported that the assessments had been completed but due to a data issue they had not been recorded;


·         Page 31 – Capital Project, An update on the bungalows at Halton Lodge was requested.  In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board.


·         It was noted that a report on the review of the Care Management Configuration would be presented to the 5 March 2013 meeting of the Board;


·         Clarity was sought on whether there was any Members on the Halton Public Health Transition Group.  In response, it was reported that it was an Officer operational group that was led by Eileen O’Meara and therefore, there were no Elected Members on the Group; and


·         It was noted that a seminar for Members on Public Health was being arranged by Eileen O’Meara.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.

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