Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Board considered a report of the Director – Legal and Democratic Services, that advised on the requirement to replace the existing Road User Charging Scheme Order (RUCSO) with a new RUCSO to reflect the need to increase toll charges on both the Mersey Gateway Bridge and the Silver Jubilee Bridge. The report also included details on proposed changes to Blue Badge Holders, Penalty Charge Notices and Local User Discount Scheme, which would all be subject to consultation which would run for six weeks in November and December 2024.
It was noted that both bridges are described as being operated as tolled crossings, however motorists pay in the form of a road user charge under the Transport Act 2000. The charges are anticipated to remain on the crossing until the Mersey Gateway Bridge, improvements to the Silver Jubilee Bridge and other associated highway network improvements are paid for.
Since the tolls were introduced in 2017, they had remained unchanged and there was now a need to increase the tolls by 20% to ensure that they were in line with the original proposals and the project remained financially robust without the need for additional local or central funding beyond that already agreed.
It was noted that the Mersey Gateway Project had continued to operate with a financial loss and had required Central Government grants. Details of the income and expenditure of the scheme from October 2017 to March 2024 were outlined in Appendix 2 of the report.
Following the consultation period a report would be taken to a meeting of the Council and if approved, the updated RUCSO would come into effect from 1 April 2025.
Following a discussion, the Board agreed that the reference to proposed changes for Blue Badge holders would be deleted in the updated RUCSO before the document is subject to consultation.
RESOLVED: That the Board should
1) consult on making an updated RUCSO based on the working draft enclosed at Appendix 1 on the basis prescribed in this report, subject to the removal of the reference to changes for Blue Badge holders;
2) after full and proper consideration to any responses received, and having taken them into account, recommend the Council to make the updated RUCSO based on the working draft enclosed at Appendix 1 and delegate to the Director – Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, the authority to make any non-material or consequential amendments as are necessary to give it effect; and
3) authorise the Director – Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to take all necessary steps to bring the RUCSO into effect, provided that any material amendments or considerations shall be considered by the Council and subject to its determination before the RUCSO is brought into effect.
Publication date: 30/10/2024
Date of decision: 24/10/2024
Decided at meeting: 24/10/2024 - Executive Board
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