Issue - meetings

Approval of the BSF Strategy for Change Part 2

Meeting: 13/11/2008 - Executive Board (Item 70)


Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People providing a summary of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Strategy for Change (Part 2) (SfC2), seeking approval for its submission to Partnership for Schools (PfS) by 19th November 2008. The report also outlined the role and benefits of a Local Education Partnership (LEP) and requested approval to utilise this procurement route. A summary of the potential sites for capital receipts was outlined and approval in principle was sought to maximise this income to deliver the BSF programme.


A copy of the strategy had been attached to the report at Appendix A and a slightly revised version was tabled at the meeting for Members’ information, together with a list of the changes that had been made. It was noted that the document described how the Authority intended to achieve its vision with its key stakeholders, and had been developed by working in partnership with Head Teachers of Secondary and Special Schools, external consultants and other key stakeholders, and through the BSF workstreams such as ICT and Technical. In addition, each Secondary and Secondary Special School within Halton had now developed its own School Strategy for Change for inclusion in the SfC2.


In respect of the Local Education Partnership (LEP), it was advised that this was a public private partnership between the Local Authority, BSF Investments LLP (BSFI) and a private sector partner selected in open competition under the European Procurement Rules. It was a joint venture company whose primary purpose was to ensure that the BSF investment was efficiently and effectively used to deliver a transformed secondary estate.


The benefits of this route for Halton were outlined for Members’ information within the report. It was noted that the LEP enabled the Authority to deliver its programme through a mix of procurement routes: Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and conventionally funded projects. This was the BSF default procurement model and the SfC2 confirmed the Authority’s intention to procure BSF in this way.


Further information was also provided in respect of capital receipts that could be generated from the four sites within the Borough, which would be partially or fully vacated once the programme was complete. These sites were Chesnut Lodge School, Ashley School, part of Fairfield High School and part of the sites housing the four Grange Schools. However, prior to release of any land for capital receipts, the Authority had to consider the impact on the Unitary Development Plan and the Sports England requirements, particularly where a Section 77 request would be needed to release school playing fields. These rules restricted the availability of land for redevelopment.


            It was confirmed that other opportunities arising as a result of BSF were also being considered such as the intention to have a significant positive impact on children and young people’s health, particularly levels of obesity in the Borough, through the facilities and services which would be provided through secondary schools. Various issues in different localities were being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70