Issue - meetings

Endorsement of Halton's Housing Strategy 2008-2011

Meeting: 18/12/2008 - Executive Board (Item 86)

86 Housing Strategy 2008-2011 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community seeking approval of the draft Housing Strategy 2008/11.


It was noted that the statutory guidance “Creating Strong and Prosperous Communities”, published by Government in July 2008, encouraged local authorities to take full and proper account of housing as part of the strategic vision for the area and put greater emphasis on housing’s contribution to creating sustainable communities through a local authorities Sustainable Community Strategy.


The guidance gave local authorities greater discretion about how, when and in what format they documented their Housing Strategy representing a move away from the more prescriptive “fit for purpose” criteria against which strategies were previously assessed. Whatever format was chosen, strategies were expected to:


·        Fully reflect the wider vision of the Authority and its partners;


·        Reflect a clear and evidenced approach; and


·        Provide a strong focus on how partners would deliver their commitments.


The draft Housing Strategy attached at Appendix A to the report had been the subject of consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, which were outlined within the report for Members’ information. Of particular importance was the feedback received from Government Office North West (GONW), which gave advanced warning of emerging guidance specifically the need to demonstrate how the Housing Strategy would deliver on the priorities contained within the Sustainable Communities Strategy. The priorities within the revised Housing Strategy had consequently been reorganised to mirror those of the Community Strategy to clearly illustrate the strategic alignment between the two documents.


A list of the objectives relating to the Council’s priorities were outlined within the report for Members’ consideration. These had been developed to meet housing needs as evidenced by the Halton Housing Needs Survey 2006 to meet specific Government targets such as the Decent Homes Standard and the introduction of choice based lettings and to reflect emerging Government priorities such as the Housing / Worklessness agenda, reducing overcrowding and increasing knowledge and understanding of local housing markets. Although it was intended that the Strategy remained valid through to 2011, the pace of change in the housing market and the economy at present was such that it may prove necessary to review the document earlier.


RESOLVED: That the Housing Strategy 2008 to 2011 be approved.