Issue - meetings

To recommend the Sub Regional Arrangements for Post 16-19 Planning Purposes

Meeting: 04/12/2008 - Executive Board (Item 79)

79 Proposals for a Greater Merseyside Sub-Regional Grouping to Plan and Commission 16-18 Learning and Commissioning Arrangements - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People outlining a recommendation relating to a Sub Regional Grouping within which Halton Council could discharge its future statutory responsibilities for planning and commissioning 16-18 learning. This was part of the transfer of responsibilities from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in April 2010.


            It was noted that the Government had announced its intention to route funding for 16-18 year old learning through Councils following the winding up of the LSC. The LSC would be replaced in 2010 by two new agencies: the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) and the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). The changes were subject to legislation and were outlined in the White Paper  “Raising Expectations”. Part of the transitional arrangements were to establish sub-regional groupings of councils that would co-ordinate commissioning for 16-18 learning across the appropriate area.


            Locally, these new responsibilities would be co-ordinated under the auspices of Halton’s 14-19 Strategic Partnership. This Partnership brought all stakeholders together to plan 14-19 learning in the Borough and would ensure that the full breadth of provision to meet the 2013 entitlement was in place for Halton’s learners.


            The Board was advised that significant preparatory work was required to ensure that the Council was ready to assume the lead commissioning role for 16-18 learning in 2010. Details were outlined for Members’ consideration, together with the basis of the recommendation for a Greater Merseyside Sub Regional Grouping for 16-18. It was noted that the other Council areas forming this proposal were Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and the Wirral.


            There were three proposed models to undertake the strategic commissioning through the sub regional grouping, each of which were outlined in the report. Model three had strong support from the 14-19 strategic managers to the Directors of Children’s Services, and was Halton’s preferred model at this stage, as local authorities would remain in control of their local planning and commissioning but, through sub regional collaboration, would be accountable for meeting Multi Area Agreement priorities. This would ensure that both employers’ and learner demands were met and that provision was procured locally to meet learner needs. However, the final decision would sit with the YPLA.


            The Board was advised that the issue of capacity, in terms of capital to carry out the required development work, had been raised with Government Office North West. Representations had been made for additional support and it was hoped that this would be forthcoming either as staff or resource.


Reason(s) for Decision


            To comply with Machinery of Government requirements as part of the transfer of LSC responsibilities to Councils.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            An alternative option was to form a sub group with Cheshire Councils. However, given the emphasis of working within the City Region for the reasons outlined in paragraph 3.4 of the report, this option was not put forward although key strategic linkages would be maintained with any Cheshire grouping, particularly with Warrington Council.


Implementation Date


            April 2010.


            RESOLVED:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79