Issue - meetings

BSF Secondary Re-organisation

Meeting: 09/04/2009 - Executive Board (Item 147)

147 BSF Secondary Re-organisation - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which summarised the response to the statutory consultation  undertaken  on secondary Special Educational Needs (SEN) unit provision in Halton.  An outline of the decision making process was also included for Members’ consideration.  A further update on the outcome of the statutory consultation was circulated at the meeting following the end of the representation period on 2nd April 2009.


Members were also advised of the school organisation proposals required in Runcorn for The Heath Specialist Technology College, The Grange Comprehensive, The Grange Junior, The Grange Infant, The Grange Nursery and Halton High School.


It was reported that the proposals recommended the discontinuance of the 7 place EBD Unit at Halton High (Community School) and the discontinuance of the 14 place EBD Unit at The Grange Comprehensive (Community School).  The proposals also recommended the reduction in the provision at Wade Deacon for Hearing Impaired pupils from 8 to 6 pupils.


Detailed in the report were the proposals to establish the secondary SEN resources provision as follows:


The Grange Comprehensive (Community School) – The school would provide resource provision for 11 pupils with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 5 of these places would be reserved for outreach support for pupils in other high schools within the borough.  In addition, there would be resource provision for 10 pupils with speech and language and communication needs.


            Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College (Voluntary Aided Catholic) - The school would provide resource provision for 11 pupils with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 5 of these places would be reserved for outreach support for pupils in other high schools within the borough. 


            The Bankfield (Community School) -  The School would provide resource provision for 10 pupils with speech and language and communication needs.


            Wade Deacon High (Community School) The school would provide resource provision for 6 pupils with hearing impairment and Specific Learning Difficulties.



The proposals for secondary and secondary special provision must be agreed prior to the submission of the Outline Business Case.



Alternative options have been considered and assessed during the consultation process.



The proposals for SEN unit provision must be agreed by 9th April 2009 and will be implemented by September 2011.


The proposal to commence the consultation on Runcorn secondary provision must be agreed by 9th April 2009, however, the increase in numbers at The Heath Specialist Technology College are not scheduled to be implemented until the school has been rebuilt as part of the BSF Programme (2012/2013).  The proposals for the re-organisation of The Grange Comprehensive, Junior, Infant and Nursery are scheduled to be implemented in April 2010.  The date for the establishment of the Academy to replace Halton High is September 2010.


            RESOLVED: That


1)     Approval be given to commence the informal consultation process to expand the Heath Specialist Technology  ...  view the full minutes text for item 147