Issue - meetings

Procurement of a Joint Local Education Partnership with Warrington Council

Meeting: 09/04/2009 - Executive Board (Item 149)

149 Procurement of a Joint Local Education Partnership with Warrington Council - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


-           The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which outlined the proposals and gain approval to establish a joint Local Education Partnership (LEP) with Warrington Borough Council. 


            It was reported that a LEP was a public private partnership between the LA, BSF for the Future Investments LLP (BSFI) and a private sector partner selected in open competition under the European procurement rules.  The LEP was therefore a joint venture company whose primary purpose was to ensure that BSF investment was efficiently and effectively used to deliver transformation. The key aims of the LEP were outlined in the report for Members consideration.


            The Board was advised of the proposal of a joint LEP be procured between Halton and Warrington Borough Council.  It was noted that this would allow both Councils to have a joint BSF team that would manage the business cases and procurement preparation. It was further noted that this would strengthen both BSF teams and allow for revenue savings from both Councils.  Members were informed that approval in principle was being considered by Warrington Council in April with formal consideration in May 2009.


It was further reported that approval by both Councils would be subject to the agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which would outline the operational and revenue implications, role of external commissioned services, the scope of the LEP and the governance arrangements for the Board. Appended to the report was a summary of the style, type and provision of the MoU. It was noted that a full copy of the MoU could be made available on request.



A decision is required on the position in terms of the Joint LEP prior to the submission of Outline Business Case on 22 April 2009.



Not applicable.



The Outline Business Case must be submitted to the DCSF and PfS by 22 April 2009.


            RESOLVED: That


1)     Approval be given to enter into collaborative arrangements with Warrington Borough Council for the purposes of procuring a Private Sector Partner to participate and invest in a Local Education Partnership (LEP);

2)     The arrangements in 2.1 of the report be subject of an agreed and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between both Councils;

3)     The scope of services to be obtained through joint procurement and the governance arrangements to be set out in the MoU; and

4)     The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and the Executive Board Member for Children and Young People, be authorised to approve the final MoU and take whatever actions necessary to give effect to this decision