Issue - meetings

Accelerated Capital Programme for Children and Young People Directorate

Meeting: 02/04/2009 - Executive Board (Item 134)

134 Accelerated Capital - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 39 KB


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which provided an update on the capital programme for 2009/10 following the offer to local authorities by the DCSF to accelerate capital funding.


            It was advised that in November the DCSF offered to release in 2009/10 some of the capital grant programmed for release in 2010/11 with the aim of stimulating the local economy, especially for small and medium sized enterprises. It was noted that in order to support this initiative the Directorate had confirmed to the DCSF that it wished to bring forward £500,000 from the grant scheduled to be released in 2010/11. In addition, £120,000 of LCVAP had been brought forward for use on schools in Shrewsbury Diocese. It was proposed the accelerated capital funding available to Halton would fund the following works:


  • Moore Primary School – removal of mobile classroom and provision of new build classroom.
  • Lunts Heath Primary School – re-roofing.
  • West Bank Primary School – new boiler.
  • Hillview Primary School – new boiler.
  • Cavendish School – furniture and equipment required to complete the building project at the school.


Detailed descriptions of the projects including the estimated cost of works were outlined in the report for Members’ consideration.

Reason for Decision

To deliver and implement the capital programmes.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.

Implementation Date


Capital programmes to be implemented with effect from 1st April 2009.


         RESOLVED: That the Executive Board


1)     notes the additional capital funding available for 2009/10; and


2)     recommends submission to full Council for approval of the additional works to be carried out from the capital programme 2009/10.