Issue - meetings

Consultation on Options for the future delivery of day services for people with physical and sensory disabilities and older people who require additional support

Meeting: 04/06/2009 - Executive Board (Item 8)

8 Redesign of Day services for people with Physical and sensory disabilities and older people with additional needs pdf icon PDF 47 KB


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Health and Community which outlined the key issues and development plan for the modernisation and redesign of Day Services for adults and seeks approval to begin formal consultation with stakeholders.


            The Executive Board had recognised, back in July 2004, the need to re-design Day Services in response to the Government’s Agenda, ‘Valuing People, A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century’.


            At that time it was agreed that there was a need for accelerated movement away from traditional building based services and to provide increased opportunities for people with learning disabilities, promoting social inclusion and independence.  The example of the closure of Astmoor as a base for Day Services for adults with learning disabilities had clearly demonstrated the value of community based day services as a more effective and preferable model of service delivery.  Since that date there had been some significant progress.  Astmoor Day Centre was successfully closed as a Day Centre in 2007.  The vast majority of people receiving Day Services with learning disabilities are now happily receiving the service from the community.  New services had been developed and existing community based services strengthened.


            The report continued to characterise the current services provided by the staff based in Bridgewater, namely; Bridgewater Centre, PSD Outreach Team, Community Day Services and Adult Placement Service.


The Strategic Director, Health & Community described the Hub and Spoke model in further detail and explained how people would be consulted on the proposals.



To increase opportunities for people with physical and sensory disabilities to access mainstream services, promoting social inclusion and independence.



The only other option is to maintain this service as it is currently delivered.



March 2010.



            RESOLVED:  That


1)     Approval is given to the following as a basis for consultation with service users, families, carers and staff of Bridgewater commencing in July 2009, on the following proposals:


i)                    To de-commission Bridgewater as a base for the delivery of Day Services for Adults with Physical and Sensory Disability.


ii)                  To continue the development of a “hub and spoke” model of dedicated local resources.


2)     The Strategic Director for Health and Community, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Health and Community, be authorised to consider feedback in response to the consultation, to consider this with other information and return to the Board with recommendations.